Example sentences of "a not [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most energetic of them may form themselves into pressure-groups of a not wholly child-centred kind .
2 The Review Panel would have had to try to persuade the court that complying with FRED 1 failed to give a true and fair view , and it would have been presenting this argument at the same time that companies generally were being compelled to comply with FRS 3 ( a not fundamentally revised version of FRED 1 ) in order to give a true and fair view .
3 By the gate the Patriarch 's buxom companion was still at work , weeding a not particularly fertile-looking patch of edging .
4 If I could cite one example of that , the accountancy profession recruits seventy per cent of its intake from non-accountancy graduates , and in fact , a student taking accountancy , and getting a not particularly good degree , even a lower second class honours degree , can sometimes be regarded by employers as having demonstrated not particularly good aptitude for accountancy , and be discounted in favour of a candidate from another major subject , who 's got a better class of degree .
5 The particles are coated with a single molecular layer of a dye ( a not particularly cheap complex of ruthenium — but since so little is used , it hardly adds to the expense ) .
6 Ape 's final 115 votes are a not particularly appetizing hotchpotch .
7 We prefer to spend the day with Fred Z — an unremarkable person living through a not particularly eventful day .
8 Eleanor 's lovely mouth set into a not particularly lovely line .
9 As late as 1960 all of the ‘ officers ’ , as the Lord Chancellor 's legal staff were known , not officials as elsewhere in the civil service , were able to sit around a not particularly large octagonal table in the Permanent Secretary 's room at his fortnightly office meetings .
10 I fear , however , that a detailed analysis of a suburb , especially a not particularly well-known one like Wimbledon , would not ‘ travel , well in our terms .
11 The striking feature is the extent of congruence across a range of different musical practices , resulting in a not exactly homogeneous musical field but one clearly dominated by a bourgeois synthesis .
12 In one of these , Agdistis , a hermaphrodite , born of the seed of Zeus and Mother Earth , is castrated by having the male genitals torn off through being tied to a tree a not exactly common method , the reader will agree .
13 A Public Service Commission controlled all appointments ; there were 13 entrenched clauses which could only be altered by the vote of the five regional councils : a not altogether unbiased observer called this ‘ Government by Civil Servants behind a Parliamentary facade ’ .
14 Volume , too , was in abundance , although any serious overindulgence in this respect was rewarded by distortion of a not altogether pleasant type .
15 From the point of view of natural creation , however , dare we suggest that a not altogether unfeeling God introduced the sound as a warning to its prey , so that in the natural economy , mosquitoes did not have an unfair advantage and that all warm-blooded creatures in mosquito-infested areas were not permanently condemned to a life of itching and scratching !
16 Measured against ‘ a stagnant US economy , a not altogether successful satellite programme , and perennial crises in NATO ’ ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 179 ) , these developments created high expectations expressed at the November 1960 Conference of Eighty-One parties in the definitive formulation that ’ the superiority of the forces of socialism over those of imperialism … is becoming ever more marked in the world arena' ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 181 ) .
17 It is ridiculous to be vindictive towards a fictional character but I must admit that contemplation of some of the available illnesses was a not altogether unpleasant preliminary to beginning this present work .
18 For those villagers who accepted their ‘ place ’ this created a sense of psychological certainty and with it a not altogether unwelcome sense of security .
19 For those villagers who accepted their ‘ place ’ this created a sense of psychological certainty and with it a not altogether unwelcome sense of security .
20 More importantly , but in a not altogether dissimilar way , in the lower and middle ranks of diplomacy at least seniority gained ground as a reason for promotion at the expense of nepotism and favouritism .
21 For the British at large , Czechoslovakia , compared with some of the others , was a not too far-off country of which we did know something : that distinctive spelling , those operas .
22 Her head on one side , she bit on her lip , looked up at the waiting face above her , then said in a not too certain tone , ‘ Eeh , let me think .
23 When Mussolini took over in Italy , Anna decided that it was her duty to make her protest on Italian soil as an Italian citizen ( a not too vulnerable one for the time being , but she tried her best ) .
24 So the Glasgow Committee would just like to sign off by saying we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a not too sober New Year .
25 We chose the best of a not too brilliant bunch , made a ludicrous offer which to our astonishment was accepted , and we were on the road .
26 It seems to me to reduce the passport to what it generally is in practice , a not too efficient identification card , of which few authorities take much real notice .
27 Just prior to Twelfth Night in the January of 1483 , Anne went down with a not too serious attack of the prevalent sweating sickness .
28 At about four he rang up the number given him for Gerald Seymour-Strachey , but he was answered by a not too refined woman 's voice — a voice with a touch of the treacle tart in it , and a touch of the plain tart as well .
29 And yet , any medium-sized town in the southern half of England has its Burleigh school : a private day school to which , for a not too exorbitant fee , parents can send their children and boast that they are privately educated .
30 She scrubbed at her lips with a not too clean handkerchief .
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