Example sentences of "a man have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Life , as he had once said to the Zoo Curator , was wonderful and a man had best enjoy it while he may .
2 In the Legion , there was no guarantee that a man had even used a flushing loo before .
3 So it was a case there , and course at the end of the day you rolled the little roll up , put elastic round and stood them up in a file and they stood there like little soldiers and you could always go back to the actual time , sometimes you found a man had n't re erm signed on , he 'd just gone and joined his bus up in town centre , well you , that was er subject of another letter .
4 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
5 Peter Blake turned up from Gravesend for his interview after a recent accident : whilst bicycling at night a man had suddenly crossed in front of him with a pram , causing Blake to land on his face on a newly made road .
6 A man had suddenly emerged out of the blinding iridescence of the mist , a vague figure standing in the middle of the road with his back towards us .
7 To become righteous , a man had therefore to be cut and shaped , like the willow , into the bowl .
8 A man had once weighed his daughter in the huge scales used in the port for the cargoes coming off the ships from the East , he had promised that the suitor his daughter chose would take her weight in gold for a dowry , she was so virtuous .
9 A man 's finally got to you . ’
10 You 've been with Julius for ten years now , and if a man has n't wanted something in ten years , then he 's never going to want it .
11 The one point on which Mr Golyadkin and Double were agreed was that there is nobody like God , but it follows pat and false that if a man has nowhere to go God will look after him .
12 ‘ Just remember , too , that a man has already been killed and another one half killed .
13 When ‘ A Travelling Correspondent ’ in the 1870s asked why Shoreditch needed a Tabernacle , he answered ‘ because a man has lately settled there who , as a preacher of the Gospel , can attract a full house ’ .
14 Yet , now that a man has actually come , I realise that my hopes were too simple .
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