Example sentences of "and given the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What is more surprising , given the amount of pressure that goes into promoting compulsory heterosexuality and married bliss , and given the economic and social penalties imposed on single parenthood by the state , is that , increasingly , women are choosing to bring up children on their own without close relationships with men .
2 Gavyn Davies , head of investment research at Goldman Sachs in London , finds that despite all the labour-market reforms , and given the recent level of unemployment , there is no evidence that wage growth is intrinsically more moderate than in the past .
3 And given the prevailing prejudice against people actually speaking to each other , suitors and their intended sposi had to have recourse to the ambiguous and easily misunderstood language of fans and flowers .
4 It has also named former UK marketing director Mark Miller vice-president of marketing and given the new post of vice-president of corporate planning to Gael Curry , anticipating a quickening in sales .
5 It has also named former UK marketing director boss , Mark Miller , vice president of marketing and given the new post of vice president of corporate planning to Gael Curry , anticipating a quickening in sales .
6 Given the amount of time that Karsten Schubert has been in business and given the new wave of gallery/dealers , this year is going to be the year to break with a much more open policy towards new art , are being seen as central to the contemporary art scene .
7 Erm and given the wide range of densities , the only conclusion I came to was I should accept forty three workers per hectare .
8 Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases .
9 THE WORLD OF CHAS ADDAMS — ( Hamish Hamilton , £25 ) The original cartoons featuring Morticia and family — sophisticated and witty and given the big-screen treatment in this massive tome .
10 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
11 And given the brutalizing effect of the war itself and the undeniable impact of at least parts of the ideological message which had been hammered into Germans for years , by no means all of what was taking place and would lead Germany into the abyss was unwelcome or unpopular .
12 Later re-designated the AIR–1 and given the civil registration R–RAIR , a replica of this aircraft is now preserved in the Museum .
13 What they were based on , and I I have to say it though , that since poverty in all its forms has proved an intractable enemy to us , and given the limited Council resources that were available , plus the Government , which has consistently attacked Local Authorities and made financial constraints upon us almost impossible to operate , we have we recognise that to analyse the job in hand , first of all we needed an accurate picture of need , we needed to share the commitment with the workforce of Council and all those in partnership of consultation .
14 Given the requirement that medical evidence has to be served with the proceedings , and given the long waiting lists that now apply for very senior surgeons , it might be a good idea either to get an initial report from the treating surgeon or to use one of the independent physicians mentioned above .
15 Dermot , you see , is an Elvis fan , and given the right stimulants , has been known to think he looks like Presley ( although , as one bemused clubber from Leeds commented , ‘ He looks more like a young Max Bygraves ’ ) .
16 Your pool will be big enough to keep Koi , and given the right conditions , there is no reason why they should not breed .
17 erm and given the right weather , there is no better place to be than in the Thames and Chilterns .
18 In fact , the adversary politics thesis overgeneralises about the extent of policy instability ; the evidence affords only limited support for the existence of political business cycles ; and given the long-term trend of Britain 's economic decline it is absurd to blame this on the nature of party politics in the sixties and seventies .
19 In the absence of economic crises , and given the apparent political neutrality of the state , class conflict may well lead to very different compromises between the classes in each capitalist country and very different state forms and economic and welfare policies .
20 There is plenty of skilled labour available and given the short-term view nobody will train .
21 Firstly , if the argument is that any of the suggested markets — be they for products , corporate control or managerial talent — at present actually operates to constrain corporate managers , this is not something which is empirically demonstrated , and given the present nature of these markets it seems an implausible claim .
22 At the conclusion of the Marshal–Basset rebellion in May 1234 , Richard Siward was pardoned , appointed to the king 's council , and given the temporary keeping of Glamorgan and the castle of Bolsover .
23 And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment , it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light .
24 As seen above , the accession of George I provoked widespread unrest throughout much of England and Wales , and given the extensive discontent in Scotland , it seemed that the time might be ripe for a Jacobite rebellion .
25 Against this background , and given the other demands on his time , it would not be surprising if Mr Christopher 's interest flagged .
26 And given the political sensitivity of so much of our work , it is under the secretary general 's guidance that difficult discussions on strengthening the movement 's development and human rights awareness programmes must take place and where the final green light must be given for increasingly complex initiatives to intensify public pressure on governments .
27 And given the general increase in mobility , would even a massive increase in investment in railways make much difference to road traffic ?
28 Given their concern that only well-founded ideals of the good , and not any ideal one believes in , should be implemented , and given the general knowledge of human fallibility , it is not really surprising that the original position does not yield a commitment to any particular ideal .
29 It has been suggested that this norm has altered and that the courts will recognise as valid only legislation which has been passed by both houses and given the royal assent , has not been repealed expressly or by implication and which accords with our obligations under community law .
30 In his view , the courts had no power to question the validity of any act passed by both Houses of Parliament and given the Royal Assent .
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