Example sentences of "and without the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Viennese action with and without the check
2 Clearly if firms are predisposed to behave in mutually acceptable ways then such co-operation can be achieved simply through the dissemination of information and without the necessity to make a formal agreement .
3 Impairment of sweating is associated with various manifestations of autonomic neuropathy with and without the presence of other symptoms such as postural hypotension .
4 The issue becomes especially important where , as a result of questioning , and without the benefit of the correct conditions or the advice from the solicitor , access to whom has been wrongly denied , the suspect makes a damaging confession which the police later try to rely upon at the trial in order to secure a conviction .
5 The wife signed the necessary documents at the bank without reading them and without the benefit of any explanation .
6 Whilst missioner in Cambridgeshire — after a five years ' spell in Oxford he began to — read seriously and painstakingly — and , though untutored and without the benefit of lectures , he gained a degree in Classics at Cambridge University .
7 ‘ They won a lot of possession and without the ball you ca n't win the game . ’
8 ‘ They are in search of purity , perfection , ’ he continued , ‘ — ; the perfection of the body — while within the spirit rots and withers from neglect , and without the threat of doom trembles on the edge of possibility .
9 The circuit of Wild Boar Fell is a splendid expedition on rough ground and without the help of trodden paths .
10 While MICHAEL PALIN goes Pole to Pole , ZODIAC MINDWARP and enigmatic KLF mastermind BILL DRUMMOND have decided to go on an Arctic adventure all of their own and without the help of special medication …
11 In effect , they involve a comparison of the general equilibrium of the economy with and without the government budget .
12 There is hardly any yaw , and without the rudder input the slip ball barely moved half its width .
13 Such systems are now commonly known within and without the field of Artificial Intelligence as ‘ expert systems ’ .
14 And without the rest I sha n't care about my liberty .
15 A microcomputer , or more accurately , a microcomputer system ( the microcomputer itself is like a car engine and without the rest of the Fig. 1.1 car , it can not function effectively ) consists of several parts .
16 With and without the capital S. You 've heard him go on about those selective hierarchies ? ’
17 Such freedom can only be exercised if the manager has the full authority to make decisions , without the need to ask a boss for approval , and without the chance that a boss might step in and alter or reverse the subordinate 's decisions .
18 to be flexible in design and use in order to meet new demands for information from within and without the Polytechnic , to adapt to growth and structural change ( within both courses and the institution ) , and to answer effectively any ad hoc enquiry ( this flexibility is also required by the method of project management described below ) ;
19 And without the backing of Wessex , Earl Siward would n't now move .
20 Adele was in a similar position to herself — caught up in the middle of a war , alone , and without the protection of close family .
21 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
22 The 3 expert systems that had been developed were made available to the shop floor , where an 11-month trial was carried out to compare the efficiency of diagnosticians working with and without the expert system aid .
23 Exiled for the second time and without the support of many of the Castilian knights who had followed him before , Rodrigo once again displayed his qualities of a great commander .
24 Laurence McGarry , chairman of Scottish Innovation , said : ‘ We have hoped and worked for this for many years and without the support and assistance from a whole range of people , it would not have happened .
25 In the end what is important is the quality of the teaching profession : schools depend on the commitment of individual teachers often working alone and without the possibility of close supervision .
26 The appearance which sense-spectra present can be compared with a so-called ‘ dialect continuum ’ : speakers from village A can communicate with those from village B , who are able to converse with speakers from C ; these , in turn , can communicate with speakers from village D. However , speakers from A can not hold a conversation with speakers from D , and without the evidence of the intervening stages , one would be tempted to say that they spoke different languages .
27 Such a state should be oriented towards a market economy , property and political pluralism and the upholding of human and civil rights ; it should be willing to resolve problems in a peaceful manner without the use of force and without the imposition of unilateral decisions .
28 Well I 'm sorry but my Daily Mirror divi delivered this morning without the television supplement , and without the comic and I want
29 Well I 'm sorry but my Daily Mirror was dev delivered this morning without the television supplement and without the comic and I want them
30 A large glass syringe of known volume is weighed with and without the gas whose relative molecular mass is to be determined .
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