Example sentences of "and came [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Aureole had got into top gear and came through into second place , but try as he might he could never pose a threat to Pinza , who galloped on relentlessly to win by four lengths , with Pink Horse running on to take third place a length and a half further adrift and the gallant Shikampur a tired fourth .
2 Souness , who is also set to tie up the deal for Norway defender Stig Inge Bjornebye , said after Saturday 's 4-1 Anfield triumph against Middlesbrough : ‘ He played 45 minutes and came through without any problems .
3 A production assistant hot-footed it round to Camera 3 's position and came through with : ‘ Jeez , boss , three 's crook — he 's fell over in the heat . ’
4 There were even doubts over his availability for last month 's All Ireland semi-final , but he played and came through with flying colours .
5 The rabbits gave them a wide berth and came through by another gap farther up , close to the gnarled trunk of an old crabapple tree .
6 I was on bass , David was on acoustic guitar and we got this guy called Tex , he was a black conga player and came around with us doing a few gigs , although nothing really happened .
7 He stepped back onto the concrete and came round to the front of the building where the flowering cherries were just coming into bud on the lawn .
8 He rose from the desk and came round to Duncan 's shoulder .
9 Theodora circled the house in the direction of the arrow and came round to the back door .
10 As was proved when , without replying to her question about the interview , he left the driver 's seat and came round to the passenger 's door .
11 The first attempt was almost a disaster , but he got the plane up again and came round for a second shot .
12 When we sat down for our sandwiches , I made him go away with the grisly thing , but we could still hear him crunching away behind a rock — first a crunch then a cough as he swallowed a feather , then another crunch then more coughs until he realised there was no future in it and came round for a sandwich .
13 He duelled briefly with the Triplane , lost it , and came round in a wide , searching turn .
14 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
15 Robert was a replacement in the Currie Cup final and came on for young Johan Roux in the second half .
16 The older man read the text overnight and came up with some suggested changes , all of which the Prince ignored .
17 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
18 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
19 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
20 An added embarrassment was a report ( also leaked ) by the chief inspector for nuclear safety who warned against complacency and came up with an estimate that there was a ‘ several per cent ’ chance of a serious accident in the next twenty years .
21 Matsushita began work on cobalt-free magnets in 1968 and came up with a manganese-aluminium-carbon material in 1979 .
22 He thoroughly searched the house and came up with some startling and damning evidence .
23 But as they were returning with all speed , Rodrigo of Bivar raised the country , and came up with them in the mountains of Oca , and fell upon them and discomfited them , and won back all their booty , and took all the five Kings prisoners .
24 Hoomey took off as usual , holding his nose , and came up with a shriek that probably carried as far as the bridge party two streets away .
25 He searched around for somewhere for them to ride out and try cross-country in earnest , and came up with some tatty farms off the arterial which were within riding distance .
26 They took their various allocated strains of Staphylococcus aureus or whatever , applied standard methods , and came up with a particular teichoic acid or teichoic acid-like polymer .
27 When MBT80 fell by the wayside , the Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment at Chobham modified the design and came up with Challenger .
28 I felt these elementary slips should be corrected , and came up with a possible solution .
29 We collected the evidence , calculated the Twit Factor ( see below ) and came up with the answers …
30 There are dozens of euphemisms for masturbation , but in the course of her research into the subject Karen Shanor interviewed several hundred sexually active American men and came up with a list of the top ten most common masturbatory fantasies among men :
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