Example sentences of "and could be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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61 Many of the component technologies matured rapidly and could be transferred abroad without making undue demands on the technical capacity of the local workforce .
62 Edward 's comment is clearly correct , and could be extended : Hopkins 's letters and notebooks , for instance , contain a weight of original theorizing that is more substantial and more interesting than much recent writing .
63 In many respects these are deficient and could be extended and improved , but it is misleading to suggest that no incentives to good performance exist except market forces .
64 The force 's mandate was for six month , and could be extended for a further year at most .
65 These were safer than petrol engines , more suitable because they could be run more slowly and could be connected directly to the propeller .
66 He was immediately ruled out of tomorrow 's home match with Nottingham Forest — and could be sidelined for three weeks .
67 His pupil , D'Eslon , formulated laws under which animal magnetism seemed to operate : it was a universal , continuous fluid , which was subtle in that it had an ebb and flow ; it was concentrated in the human body like a magnet ; and could be accumulated and communicated over a distance .
68 Such ships were completely watertight and could be manned by small crews .
69 She argued , therefore , that since a good proportion of the non-words actually looked like words and could be pronounced without difficulty , the RVF superiority obtained with real words was related to their semantic aspect .
70 The intellectual principles which were common to the broad formation — open rational inquiry , the development of morality through education , opposition to oppression and to arbitrary laws — were specifically composed into novels which integrated individual lives and social and moral circumstances by a new formal integration of ‘ character ’ and ‘ plot ’ , with the founding assumption that character and action grew together out of circumstances and could be altered only by their general alteration .
71 Sales of cars , lager , cigarettes , petrol and office equipment are all threatened and could be hit in an astonishing public backlash .
72 These first groups of questions I would classify as ‘ Directory'-type queries , and could be answered from updateable directories held at information points — telephonists , E & W Gates .
73 The Act was destined to become something of a cause célèbre among successive generations of floggers who would fondly remember ( although without a shred of evidence to support their claim ) how flogging had put down the garotters and could be relied upon to stop Hooligans or Teddy Boys .
74 For example , the International Commission of Jurists concluded in its report on the status of the Aaland Islands that the Convention of 1856 which had demilitarised the islands remained effective and could be relied upon by a third party , Sweden .
75 She had an eye for talent which they respected , she knew how to pick her designers , and could be relied on to spot a trend developing and to promote it .
76 Depending on the complexity of your operations this may only take a couple of man weeks and could be repeated at regular intervals to monitor progress .
77 These cots were specially made , arranged in tiers of three , and could be converted into comfortable couches for sitting up cases .
78 Given a slight negative movement of base level , underwater sandbanks may appear above high tide level and could be converted into offshore bars by wave action .
79 This of course is a situation in which the direct labour of family members was needed , and could be incorporated into a strategy for collective survival .
80 Not very gregarious , and could be mistaken for small courser when running on ground ; when it stops it does not squat but stands erect .
81 They are general in nature in that they indicate broad areas of content and could be achieved in a variety of ways .
82 This does not necessarily imply great changes , however , and could be achieved in large part through a reformulation of existing practice , such as job titles and review systems .
83 But Malebranche rejected various parts of Descartes 's proof , concluding that theoretically the material world was no more than a possibility , and could be accepted only on the basis of faith .
84 McGillicuddy would n't relish the idea of giving up the General Director 's job as European overlord , but he was also sixty and could be kicked upstairs for a year or so before taking early retirement .
85 This is an oversimplification , but it is essentially true and could be kept in mind as normalisation is developed .
86 His package appealed primarily to upscale white suburbanites , but it has taken hold with other candidates and could be merged with Mr Clinton 's platform without either side losing face .
87 Most of their economic activities tend to be relatively labour intensive and could be assisted to become more labour retaining , helping to decrease the movement of people to industrial areas .
88 Dr Bromley was fined £750 and is also now likely to face a disciplinary hearing before the General Medical Council and could be struck off .
89 It could be expanded to cover certain forms of oral sex as well as vaginal and anal penetration by objects or parts of the body and could be rendered gender neutral .
90 This gave our evaluation a " critical edge " in which the observed realities were measured against the stated aims of the project and could be perceived as a contrast between the ideal and the actual .
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