Example sentences of "and some [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Western diplomats believe that the Islamic movement will grow unless the economic crisis , caused in large part by the Gulf war , is resolved and some progress is made in peace talks with Israel .
2 Some tumours are indeed radio-sensitive , and some progress was made in therapy with x-rays and also with radium , which could be inserted into a tumour so that its effect was concentrated .
3 The north east area submitted a motion to the Annual General Meeting of the CAB in 1986 which after much discussion and some softening was passed as follows :
4 They were protected from trampling or from modification from any source other than weathering , and some protection was provided against wind , but despite this most of the bones have been blown away .
5 Limited provisions for fluctuations are included and some choice is given to the employer in the subcontractors to be employed for specialist work .
6 And that was certainly what the audience seemed to think of ’ Moby Dick ’ at the curtain call , with a standing ovation and some joining is as the cast took a bow , it certainly is a whale of a tale .
7 Land and some money was given by the family of Rev Howard-Hall , who was the rector at that time , for the erection of a building for the use of the people of Sproatley , of any denomination , for their education and recreation .
8 The cataloguing work has been undertaken by Michael Jaffe , former director of the Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge , and some funding was available from the Getty .
9 Two of them , Pompeii and Herculaneum , which were located on the lower flanks of Vesuvius , were particularly badly shaken by the shocks , and some damage was done , but the townspeople were not especially alarmed .
10 Several of the photo captions are mixed up and some text is missing from pages 117–118 .
11 Owing to the thermal instability described above , with violet grains easily becoming brown while in the electron beam , much care and some skill is needed to distinguish quartz CL colours successfully .
12 She agreed to give up her home and some furniture was brought for her present accommodation .
13 Fortunately the introduction of microcomputers into schools and their use by pupils in individualised programmes , makes the use of sophisticated equipment less remarkable in the classroom than was the case some years ago , and some software is specially designed or particularly useful for visually handicapped pupils .
14 And some bugger is wearing it ! ’
15 ‘ The problem is if there were a few kids out there who believed everything that Paul says and we did a really heavy religious or political song and some kid was influenced by it … it would be dangerous , ’ argues Ashley .
16 Once individual bodies of co-operation and co-ordination are set up and perhaps increase , there arises the further problem of co-operation and co-ordination between them , and some liaison is strongly desirable .
17 If , however , you feel unable to do this , it would still help us if the questionnaire could be filled in for the largest course , and some indication be given of provision in other courses .
18 And I think it 's very important that people can come and talk to you and some representative 's of the board because there is unrest Tom and I 'm not prepared to stick my neck out and say in what quarter this lies but it can be got over it can be ironed out because running a theatre is to do with team spirit and that team spirit get 's conveyed to the public .
19 Not only was there plain cotton but now lace , lawn , twill , corduroy , crepe , velvet , silk and some wool were all being used in the fabrication of these follies of fashion .
20 Neither of these packages were entirely suitable for the operation of local authority establishments , and some customisation was considered necessary before the requirement could be met in full .
21 Magic was close to miracles and some magic was not harmful .
22 All the basic properties of Wave Motion are considered and some time is spent on Ray Optics and Simple Electricity .
23 Banbury town centre , it 's the Michaelmas street fair on from today until Saturday ; there are various road closures and some traffic is being diverted , so that 's causing a bit of extra congestion to Banbury town centre .
24 Over on the A four two three , the Banbury to Oxford road , that 's between Langford Lane , Kidlington , and the Shipton-on-Cherwell turn off , there 's some resurfacing work taking place with temporary traffic lights and some traffic being diverting .
25 A thirty four between Botley and Hinksey Hill , you can expect delays southbound due to long term roadworks , and Banbury town centre , it 's the Michaelmas Street Fair until Saturday , and that means there are various road closures and some traffic being diverted .
26 In personal correspondence the addressee is known and some feed-back is expected ; in institutional writing , on the other hand , the addressee is usually unknown , as with the bulk of published material , books etc. and feed-back , therefore , is at most only indirect .
27 Once on the field , it 's a terse ‘ Whatever you think , Skip ’ , and some isolation is unavoidable .
28 The subsequent interviews reinforced the view that the detail of the information base was too fine in its original form to be the basis of searching questions , and some summation was found to be necessary to avoid redundancy , or posing questions that could insult the intelligence of the interviewee .
29 However the ‘ unsinkable aircraft carrier ’ Malta now had about 50 Hurricanes — mainly Mark IIa and IIb models — and some reorganization was due .
30 Their B vitamins , potassium and other trace elements , starch and some protein are especially significant since we are more likely to eat potatoes each day than a kiwi fruit , a posy of parsley or a bunch of blackcurrants .
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