Example sentences of "and when we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't do it , and when we try and do it , we 're no good at it , and we ca n't do it .
2 I really like my new jacket and hat and scarf , and when we stop and chat with a couple of people from the house , they say how smart I look .
3 And when we calculate these other points they should fit on it as well .
4 As more and more survive and are kept alive beyond the utmost limit of working life , the economic or social function of the individual provides less and less of a motive or framework for his survival ; and when we ask Why ? we find ourselves thrown back upon purpose in a sense which is neither economic nor social nor even secular .
5 Another of my friends — the only one who comes into this category — is as plump as I am , and when we go out together we eat as much as we want , whenever we want .
6 It is Christ 's birthday , and when we go to Mass on that day , it is the most important thing we do at Christmas .
7 Well we do n't , we have our tea before we come and when we go home .
8 And when we go visiting her mum and my mum , that 's the only time she goes out .
9 we bring them all in and , and when we go for breaks we look through them and decide where we 're gon na go next year .
10 We rely on collections and donations and when we go round again people may say they have already given .
11 We are up before dawn to prepare food , and when we come home , we have to look after the children , clean and cook . ’
12 And when we come to review the whole period we shall need to consider whether , even in the very broadest terms of demand management , Keynesianism is akin to the nineteenth-century gold standard in that it was something of universal belief but of very limited practical impact .
13 If reading is complex , so also is writing ; and when we come to the mystery of literary composition , we can scarcely begin to explain the operations of the creative mind which result in a sequence of words on the written page .
14 We went there with a new cloth on the drum , as near as could be ; and when we come away there was n't a piece of it no bigger than your hand .
15 It , there is no waste to that product , it is knitted and when we come to a part where you want it to be narrow , the machine shapes it .
16 And when we come near to the time of his Occultation you must never let him out of your sight . ’
17 and that 'll be attached and when we come to fit it , if you keep hold of the one you keep
18 And I 'll explain , you know , what these different things mean , as and when we come to them .
19 And when we come to resolution six er , there is only one district council which has a made a nomination for the erm moderator for general assembly for ninety three , ninety four ?
20 I remember once me and your Aunty June going have our hair done there and when we come out it was snowing !
21 And do you remember we went to er David 's er , one Sunday with me to his grave and when we come out of cemetery that public house across the road
22 And when we come back , when we 've had our lunch we 're going to see William .
23 We went out somewhere and when we come back they were gone .
24 Tell your family and friends about York 's great service , and when we receive their first order , we 'll send you a 24 exposure York film absolutely FREE .
25 We can only give to Him what we receive from Him , and when we receive living bread and living water from the house of bread , there is no other possible response than worship .
26 And when we remember what Eliot did with the gibe , taking it over in the title of Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats , that collection of whimsical fireside charades in verse , we may well think again about Auden 's comment that in English family life ‘ it is becoming to entertain each other with witty remarks , hoaxes , family games and jokes ’ .
27 And when we introduce anything more than that we are actually setting up obstacles to people becoming Christians .
28 general letter to the police saying that we 're intending to do these surveys , just putting them in the picture and put a note in that erm once , you know , dates and whatever , you know , we 'll give you further details as and when we know
29 And when we 've eaten — whatever 's left to eat — I 'd like to have a pen and some paper .
30 Ah okay well we 'll car we 'll do a little bit more we 'll find out some more of these words ending in K and when we 've finished off those erm we 'll have a little look at some maths .
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