Example sentences of "and up over the " in BNC.

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1 The seagulls wheeled off and up over the harbour .
2 Start by measuring in a rough circle around the dog 's throat and up over the ears , and then add a further 5 cm ( 2 in ) to this figure .
3 Not today , however , and now my route took me off the road by a stile and up over the hill by an old quarry track .
4 Again , his fingers teased her , running a path of torturing heat about her thigh , and up over the jutting bone of her hip , close — far too close ! — to that part of her where the aching need had its centre .
5 That 's a bit of a long drag that one , not that Paul take open up a bit there and go a bit faster , level , but that was a bit Well 's done a left up to Chell 's Field and that , bloody that killed him , I bet , you know the bit I mean , and up over the fields , where you go through the fields and fields , that was the killer , cos and coming back Bell 's straight round to , got to the bottom , Hill was n't too bad .
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