Example sentences of "and so the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Angry young Tamils had started their terrorist movements , among them the Tamil Tigers , and so the terrible cycle of destruction and retribution began .
2 In the Laming list , theses may be listed under more than one heading , and so the total figures represent the total numbers of sub-discipline headings assigned to Scottish theses , rather than the numbers of theses .
3 As winter really begins to set in , flowers are not the most obvious things to look for , and so the curious botanist turns to related interests .
4 And so the poor man had been obliged to die in as Christian a manner as possible in the arms of the atheistical Magistrate who had , of course , listened without the least sympathy to Mr Bradley 's last pious ejaculations , impatiently muttering : " Yes , yes , to be sure , do n't worry about it , " as poor Mr Bradley , looking up into that last , glaring , free-thinking , diabolical , ginger sunset of the Magistrate 's whiskers , commended his soul to God .
5 The National Insurance pension is the most important component of social security provision and so the lower the incomes of pensioners , the greater the proportion the National Insurance pension comprises , and the less is derived from occupational pensions .
6 The clergy was , of course , an exception to the rule of hereditary classes ; since clergymen were ( in theory at least ) celibate , they had no legal heirs , and so the lower ranks of the clergy were open to the younger sons of noblemen or , more rarely , to commoners .
7 Johnson tushed , and so the other clergyman , Mr Grant ( being well-bred ) , said the prayers , evoking a comment from their distinguished visitor who upbraided him just a little for not including the Lord 's Prayer .
8 The Ambassador , Benedetti , was on leave and so the First Secretary of the Embassy was entrusted with seeing Bismarck in order to put the question to him .
9 As previously stated , rural land cover was not an important consideration , and so the first component image was discarded , together with the last three , leaving components 2 , 3 and 4 .
10 ( 10.68 ) It follows from this and ( 10.66 ) that , and so the first term in ( 10.64 ) must necessarily be included in these solutions .
11 And so the first full-time students began class in May , 1977 at the Guitar Institute of Technology ( G.I.T. ) in Hollywood .
12 And so the first memories is in the meadows of Nottingham , going to infant school about the age do n't remember starting , but perhaps I 'd be six years of age , and it was a little church school and they were all lady teachers and most of them Mrs and not the Miss which is nowadays er more common .
13 ‘ But it is mite dung that people become allergic to , and so the first thing to get rid of is the dung .
14 This corresponds to a 1 symmetry , and so the first overtone of a b 1 vibration is an a 1 transition .
15 It can be shown that and so the first term on the right-hand side of eqn ( 20.7 ) represents the transfer of energy between wavenumbers .
16 In large takeovers the VAT involved can often run into millions of pounds and so the new rules will add a considerable cost to corporate acquisitions and battles .
17 Canon Jarrat offered to build the school if Mr Fox would build the church , and so the two buildings were constructed , immediately adjacent to each other .
18 Building societies ' responses to the consultation on the 1992 regulations tend to favour that situation , and so the two are likely to move forward in parallel for the foreseeable future .
19 There were no significant differences in before treatment juice or plasma results between patients drawn from the two trials and so the two datasets were combined to increase the power of the study .
20 In the early 1970s , when the Dutch first got the legal go-ahead on medical killing , the British were developing palliative care — and so the two nations have continued .
21 Instead of having another bridesmaid , have a page boy and so the two little ones go up together page boy
22 He said nothing but ‘ te-total ’ would satisfy him , and so the Teetotal Movement was born .
23 And so the mutual help and support which should have typified Christian brothers became a stick which the Western church used in the coming crusade to beat Orthodox and infidel alike .
24 But for many parts of Orkney this new service would be years away in reaching them and so the familiar thump thump thump of that diesel statomatic generator filled the air .
25 The odds ratio was heterogeneous among studies ( Q =78.79 , df=57 ; p=0.03 ) and so the pooled odds ratio was calculated by a random effects method .
26 The idea of increasing the diameter in waterwheels was that the number of ‘ buckets ’ could be increased and so the bigger the wheel the more power was generated .
27 And so the 29th National Championship Air Races at Reno were started .
28 In the end they agreed that it was a fair way of sharing the inheritance , and so the legal steps were taken to transfer equal shares to all of us .
29 The reader will have guessed , no doubt , that the quest was unsuccessful , and so the final section will suggest an operative model with practical implications for community work practitioners and researchers .
30 Frankie was their triumph and so the final point of their story was n't its ‘ outrage ’ but its cosiness .
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