Example sentences of "and so [vb base] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This Is for those people who think they are n't properly dressed unless they 've got the right badge on — and are guilty about their middle class backgrounds and so dress to look poor .
2 It is probably best to acknowledge the barrier and so seek to make it into part of the perceptual bubble .
3 If a horse stops pulling once he has settled down and works sensibly and correctly after say , 20 minutes of ‘ whoopee ’ then it is a matter of working through the exuberance stage with as many exercises in the form of transitions and ‘ things to do ’ as possible to occupy the horse 's mind and so try to make him concentrate on his work rather than other exciting stimuli .
4 Variegated plants will start to make more chlorophyll in their leaves in response to restricted sunlight , and so tend to turn green in the shade .
5 They do not share our sense of causality , and so tend to view events as discrete and unrelated .
6 In this situation , firms find their inventories being run down involuntarily and so act to increase output .
7 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
8 This results in a gentle down-wave drift of water , which can lead to the accumulation of water along the coast and so help to generate rip and longshore currents .
9 Toys amuse a horse and so help to lessen the chances that the horse will form bad habits which are destructive to itself or its surroundings .
10 Mops and cloths should be provided so that children can mop up their own spills , and so help to prevent accidents .
11 Vitamin E is really a group of plant oils called tocopherols. they have the unique ability to prevent the deterioration that occurs in certain fats as a result of exposure to oxygen in the air , and so help to prevent deterioration of fats in the healthy body .
12 The answer to the three problems of wind traffic and camcorder noise is to be found in the use of an extension microphone : it can be more easily sheltered from the wind , it can be a super-directional type if need be and so help to exclude the sound of passing traffic , and it can be placed far enough away to reduce camera handling noises to zero .
13 This means that there will be no restriction on the number of places available and I am hoping that as many parents as possible will come and so help to make a real occasion of it .
14 These plants absorb the carbon dioxide released by the corals and so help to keep the water oxygenated .
15 This facility , the first of its kind in the world and built with the aid of a £100 000 grant from the Science and Engineering Research Council , should allow chemical companies to design catalyst much more rationally — and so help to avoid future disasters like the dioxin explosion in Seveso , Italy .
16 Catalysts remove most of the hydrocarbon component of this soot and so help to remove an area of risk .
17 We want to believe something and so get to believe it .
18 When the money supply is increased , people find themselves holding more than they need for current transactions and so attempt to spend the excess .
19 Mr Lundy also wanted DIY stores themselves to learn from the tragedy and make greater effort to emphasise the dangers to the public and so attempt to cut the eight thousand accidents involving supermarket trollies every year .
20 The implications of this approach for advertising personnel are considerable , and the best way to grasp what this means is to examine who works in advertising , and so begin to understand the hierarchy or power structures .
21 First , the European Parliament , supported by the Netherlands , wished to acquire more substantial powers for itself , especially over the EEC budget , and so begin to look more like a genuine legislature .
22 But he might conclude that the damage to law 's role would be small and the economic gains great , and so decide to award no damages .
23 The mother 's anxiety will be communicated to the child and cause the child to feel upset and so refuse to eat .
24 Legal concepts are inconclusive , and so fail to draw distinctions vital in real life .
25 When parents or teachers mock our desire to become a deep-sea diver , an opera singer or a portrait artist , and encourage us to have more ‘ sensible ’ ambitions — perhaps to become a nurse , bank clerk or accountant — we obediently wrap up our fantasies with a label which reads ‘ This is an impossible dream ’ , and so fail to take any steps to make those dreams come true .
26 The student should be encouraged never to try to progress too quickly , and so fail to assimilate what he/she is studying .
27 Unfortunately we do not always have enough stories from the diocese to fill the space available and so have to use material from other sources .
28 Workers indicated that they would like to be able to take their holidays without being obliged to find a replacement and so have to do double duty before or after their holiday .
29 The couple can not use physical contact to avoid conflict , and so have to make friends , talk to each other and negotiate in a non-physical way .
30 Such a system has become increasingly popular , Turner says , because companies are becoming increasingly interested in management accounting , and so need to have information at their fingertips at all times .
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