Example sentences of "and so [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This Is for those people who think they are n't properly dressed unless they 've got the right badge on — and are guilty about their middle class backgrounds and so dress to look poor .
2 It is probably best to acknowledge the barrier and so seek to make it into part of the perceptual bubble .
3 In the 1960s , Hoover was looking to increase the output of its manufacturing plant closer to its capacity level and so intended to boost its sales in mainland Europe .
4 If a horse stops pulling once he has settled down and works sensibly and correctly after say , 20 minutes of ‘ whoopee ’ then it is a matter of working through the exuberance stage with as many exercises in the form of transitions and ‘ things to do ’ as possible to occupy the horse 's mind and so try to make him concentrate on his work rather than other exciting stimuli .
5 A question that puzzled some followers of Zarathustra in later times was that , if Ohrmazd was all-powerful and so destined to overthrow Ahriman , why did this not happen immediately , so that the world would have been spared all the suffering caused by the conflict between them ?
6 Variegated plants will start to make more chlorophyll in their leaves in response to restricted sunlight , and so tend to turn green in the shade .
7 They do not share our sense of causality , and so tend to view events as discrete and unrelated .
8 I maintained a straighter course now but perpetually wanted to stop , and so had to ration myself to two minutes rest in every fifteen , and ten minutes on the hour .
9 He was also jaundiced and so had to wear a hood to protect his eyes and lie naked under a constant bright light .
10 This was why they had n't caught on to the idea of the ground being curved , not flat — and so had to invent an imaginary force to explain what was going on .
11 Towards the end of his life he told Osbert Sitwell ; ‘ Any talent I may have was due to a long illness as a boy , which afforded me time to think , and subsequent ill-health , because I was not allowed to play games , and so had to teach myself , for my enjoyment , to use my eyes instead of my feet . ’
12 Try as Mrs Crump did — a sidle into the hallway , an uncharacteristic visit to the stables , even a late saunter down the road towards the village and the lake — she could not engineer an early encounter with the glamorous newcomer and so had to keep her patience until the morning .
13 Perhaps the bird had been attacked by others , and so had to drop what he was carrying .
14 The reason was that they could not resolve ambiguity between competing lexical interpretations on a word-by-word basis , and so had to maintain possible interpretations in a representation that was separate from the lexicon .
15 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
16 The doubly hatched regions are absent and any trajectory started within BCEF returns to a point within BCEF and so continues to wander near the strange set forever .
17 Perhaps you felt guilty about ignoring a charity collection , and so decided to punish yourself ?
18 The useful , though subordinate , role which litigation might be expected to play in this mobilisation process extends to publicising areas of law such as tax diversion which stand in need of reform , and so helping to politicise the issues and raise the general level of political awareness on the part of peace protesters and the general public alike .
19 These events , they argued , demonstrated that the hand of God himself was at work in the history with which the Bible deals , and so served to authenticate the Bible 's own divine origins .
20 The anniversaries , called ‘ birthdays ’ , of the martyrs were carefully remembered , and so came to create the earliest church calendars ( so that the historian can know on what day of what month a martyr died , but not necessarily in what year , that being of no liturgical significance ) .
21 It contains fewer chemical pollutants , which asthmatics are often allergic to , and so helps to prevent asthma attacks .
22 Water imparts turgor to cells and tissues and so helps to maintain the shape of an organism .
23 Pluralism is regarded as an ideology which masks the reality of power and so helps to legitimise a system which is grounded in inequality and an absence of fair play .
24 In this situation , firms find their inventories being run down involuntarily and so act to increase output .
25 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
26 This results in a gentle down-wave drift of water , which can lead to the accumulation of water along the coast and so help to generate rip and longshore currents .
27 Toys amuse a horse and so help to lessen the chances that the horse will form bad habits which are destructive to itself or its surroundings .
28 Mops and cloths should be provided so that children can mop up their own spills , and so help to prevent accidents .
29 Vitamin E is really a group of plant oils called tocopherols. they have the unique ability to prevent the deterioration that occurs in certain fats as a result of exposure to oxygen in the air , and so help to prevent deterioration of fats in the healthy body .
30 The answer to the three problems of wind traffic and camcorder noise is to be found in the use of an extension microphone : it can be more easily sheltered from the wind , it can be a super-directional type if need be and so help to exclude the sound of passing traffic , and it can be placed far enough away to reduce camera handling noises to zero .
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