Example sentences of "and there was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The brothers were very much alike , the same strong shoulders and the fine head of hair , but physical appearances were deceptive and there was about Spencer a weakness that showed in the line of his mouth and the almost shifty look in his eyes .
2 and there was about that much bacon on the bacon slice , the rest were fat , I says I 'm not paying for that .
3 So we edged forward and in the middle of the archway and there was about that much and it would n't go .
4 But when , after those two years , the valley had almost imperceptibly widened and there was for the first time , not those black enclosing cliffs , but the vista of a normal life , even of happiness , a landscape over which it was possible to believe the sun might shine , she had become unwittingly embroiled in the racial politics of her school .
5 I 'd always suspected big-wave riders had to have more cojones than the average human being , and there was at least one of that species who seemed to bear out my hypothesis .
6 Cases of suicide are well-documented , and there was at least one instance when several people barricaded themselves into a flat and refused to leave .
7 The course the Governors decided upon was to increase numbers in planned stages to about 1,000 , which would entail a much smaller rise in the fees , and also to admit girls : this would avoid any potential lowering of standards , for there was a demand for places for girls , and there was at least a moral commitment to take some of the Convent 's Sixth Formers when it closed .
8 It had no curtains , no sign above the door , the door was not wide and welcoming , the forecourt was dirty , and there was at least one broken pane in each window .
9 I think it was either that and there was at least twelve
10 Whereas similar provisions in other countries were mainly designed to provide facilities which could or could not be used , the Irish ones were to be compulsory and there was to be no choice of doctor .
11 Those in Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk were to remain but the tutors in Bedfordshire and the Cambridgeshire area were to be withdrawn and there was to be no replacement for the one in Essex who had resigned in the previous year .
12 The Smith residence was a plush , elderly house set amongst trees and shrubs off the road ; the lights were on and there was to be no deliverance .
13 Once my lady 's sister was staying at Hurst Castle not far off , and there was to be a grand ball , and her ladyship sent me over in the coach to dress her sister 's hair , Lady Winton that was .
14 That was Jackie 's third championship in the bag and there was to be only one more race for him , his ninety-ninth , in Canada , where he finished fifth .
15 Suffolk had received £6.5 million of new transfer money from the Government and there was to be no change in the level of funding .
16 Edward G. Robinson had been good in the previous year 's Little Caesar and there was to be great acclaim for the explicitness of the following year 's Scarface but it was Cagney 's 1931 performance in The Public Enemy that occasioned the most significant debate .
17 The fees were set at £6 for the Junior Department and £10 for the Senior ; and there was to be no age differentiation in future .
18 He brought the doctor back to earth in Doctor Dolittle 's Return ( 1933 ) , and there was to be one last book , Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake , built round the story of the Flood with Dr Dolittle as a latter-day Noah .
19 Corporate income tax was reduced by one percentage point to 31 per cent and there was to be a one-off rebate of 5 per cent in personal income tax .
20 John Patten was to reply to the debate on education and there was to be a debate on defence .
21 Five gallons of wine was to be levied on every half acre of land , and there was to be an additional tax on manpower .
22 If all went awry and there was to be a last ditch fight for the city , this is where it would take place . )
23 And there was to be the big industrialists , three or four of them .
24 I mean there was houses in the street and there was like these courtyards at the back of them .
25 I , I erm , I was off the west co er on a holiday to the west coast of Ireland and we erm we 're driving down the west coast and there was like some rocks and everything about , so we stopped and , you know , I looked by a rock pools or something , and there 's this and the rock pool is like mini-swimming baths , they were , you know , probably
26 And they had flats in London and there was like sort of guys like Peter there .
27 then I went , I went into town a bit later on , come down Manstral Road and there was like a load of traffic there and I got to where the traffic lights are just before you get to the big turning at Manstral Road
28 God there was like a ra , I was on the computer today and there was like weeee really ringing sort of noise erm , I thought it was just you know , when you 're ears ring ?
29 And there was like a massive convoy of people behind him .
30 And there was in practice a very thin line between peaceful protest and the other variety .
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