Example sentences of "and if it is " in BNC.

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1 This will tell you if the glider has an obvious stall buffet and if it is likely to drop a wing during a stall when thermalling .
2 This is a haematoma and if it is in an area where you are likely to receive further knocks , you should withdraw from the competition .
3 No planks for the flooring yet , and if it is raining we can not be on the roof .
4 Dance is firstly a physical activity and if it is obscured by complicated costumes , props , machinery , lighting and stage effects , it ceases to be relevant to anything but the cleverness of the producer .
5 ‘ It could be another two years before the election , ’ Dennis Skinner reflected between stultifyingly cordial debates , ‘ and if it is , there is going to be a lot of water flowing under political bridges .
6 The statement ‘ everyone has a right to medical care adequate to his health and well-being ’ is , in the Universal Declaration , tantamount to the highwayman 's ‘ stand and deliver ’ : if this right is not realisable within a society , it must be realised by compulsory redistribution and reorganisation as between societies , and if it is still impracticable even by compulsion on an international scale , so much the worse for the international community !
7 I think you have to be extremely clear-minded and unemotional about what your objectives are and if it is a public company you must remember the paramount importance of the owners of the business — the shareholders .
8 Thus , if the body clock is delayed then one tries to advance it by giving bright light in the morning , and if it is advanced then the light is given in the evening to delay it .
9 Grief will find an expression at some time , and if it is not allowed at the time it occurs , then it will be much more difficult to deal with when it is triggered by an event in later life .
10 Make sure that the story you have for them is interesting and if it is merely constituency information , explain that you are providing it for background briefing and that you are not expecting them to publish it .
11 GARDEN visiting is one of the most popular ways to spend summer Sunday afternoons and there are several guides to help you decide which , when , where and if it is worth the journey .
12 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
13 Personally , I do not share that view but whatever the reason , stubbornness must not be allowed to succeed : the dog must do what he is commanded to do , not in his own time , when he feels like it , but immediately ; and if it is done correctly , he should receive praise and lots of it .
14 Stop running — it is probably excited by your running and if it is going to bite , running away wo n't help much .
15 If a house is not built soundly in the first place , and if it is not kept in good repair , it will fail when put to the test .
16 He can relax at the weekends and if it is a good skool Eustace will soon be strong and brainy enuff to bring in the coal ’
17 I feel you should pick and choose your events carefully , do not run each weekend and if it is hard do not go too fast .
18 But the fact is that , unless the present lack of respect for the universities of the country can be remedied , education as a whole will not be respected ; and if it is not respected , then it will not improve .
19 Children are people , not property , they argue ; and if it is wrong to hit people then it must also be wrong to hit children .
20 And if it is not ( and I will argue that it is not ) then to what extent does this tradition of anguished regret for the past hinder our actions in the present and the future ? …
21 The latter can entrap adult birds and if it is incorporated into nests it can cause chick mortality .
22 When they are all put together under topic headings the full interview schedule will then tell us how long the interview is likely to take and if it is much too long some pruning can be undertaken at once .
23 If you usually use A4 paper , print at 10 characters per inch , and if it is appropriate in your circumstances then make A4 the default page size
24 If the air-flow at a valve is downwards , it will open to admit it ; if upwards , it will close to entrap it and if it is horizontal from any direction the flap will tilt to allow it through at an angle , gaining aerofoil-type lift from it .
25 Consider whether this is likely , and if it is , try out the appropriate avoidance measures .
26 In such circumstances the punishment may be unjustified , and if it is , the parent should be able to admit this to the child and be able to apologise later when the tension is lessened .
27 A cat is a carnivore and if it is to be kept as a pet it must be given a carnivorous diet .
28 It will therefore affect what happens during the interview , and if it is not done well enough it may prevent you reaching the interview stage at all .
29 For warm-weather walking , wear light-coloured clothes to reflect the heat and light , and if it is sunny , wear a brimmed hat .
30 In some puppies , the hole which allowed blood to flow through the umbilical cord is bigger than it needs to be ; once the cord shrivels up , the hole is left open and if it is too big , a small piece of fat may be able to pop through .
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