Example sentences of "and she know it " in BNC.

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1 Being a woman was central to Mrs Thatcher 's political personality , and she knew it .
2 He went off bewildered and hurt and she knew it was quite likely he would seek solace elsewhere .
3 It was her hour and she knew it .
4 She could feel the tip probing up the leg of her panties and she knew it should not be there .
5 He had said it because she was dying ; and she knew it .
6 And then slowly he smiled , and the smile lit the dark blue eyes and transformed the face , and she knew it was all right ; she had n't done the wrong thing after all .
7 Our Mum was not one of these and she knew it , but the knowledge did n't bother her ; she could n't care less whether she was liked or not .
8 Everything was wonderful , he said , and she knew it was for him .
9 He had not yet decided whether she would be friend or enemy , so his eyes were distant — and she knew it .
10 He was annoyed and she knew it .
11 They were doomed and she knew it .
12 It was pure fantasy and she knew it .
13 The words , especially the names — Findias , Falias , Murias — seemed to shimmer in her mind like strong light , and she knew it was important to understand what was being said to her ; but still she felt leaden .
14 ‘ I do n't mean that Anna did n't go on the way she did in front of Mena , but it was n't directed at Mena and she knew it ; she only minded her being unhappy .
15 Her home was not very grand and she knew it .
16 It was a trick and she knew it , to ask a personal question then appear to forget it so any answer would seem to be volunteered with all the humiliation of confession .
17 He meant , among other things , are you living with anyone ? and she knew it , but she cared too much for the day together to tell him one way or the other .
18 Paul had been a real find so far , and she knew it would do his professional standing a lot of good if he could design the whole hotel complex .
19 She wanted to know who as well , but he refused her and she knew it would become part of his bargain with the police when and if he were caught .
20 And she knew it would always be her favourite flower .
21 It was risky and she knew it .
22 Her heart felt amazingly light , and she knew it was because of Tom and the way they were talking and laughing together over the morning 's task .
23 As a justification for indulging the imperative demands of the flesh it was pathetic , and she knew it , but she did n't think she could go on fighting the passion they awoke in each other .
24 She had never known anything like the need that rent her , and she knew it was the same need that was racking Luke 's rigid body ; and still it escalated as they succumbed to a welter of tumultuous embraces , caresses and kisses , their staccato breathing punctuated by the sharp sounds of desire , their skin damp with perspiration .
25 ‘ Just the one , but it was renewed periodically over the years because the bitch was irresistible , and she knew it . ’
26 She would not have gone to bed and she knew it .
27 Once again she was being used to wave in front of Claudine and she knew it .
28 Unexpectedly there was a portrait , and she knew it was good although her knowledge of art was skimpy to say the least .
29 Threats would now be of little use , and she knew it .
30 He looked down at her steadily and Maggie tried to stay cool , but she was losing this battle and she knew it .
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