Example sentences of "and she [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , she felt impatient with these worn-out illusions and she shrugged them off , casting them aside like old clothes as she had already discarded the dreams she had woven around Simon .
2 It was messy and tragic and Kathleen wanted to cry for her , but the cameras kept rolling and she shrugged it off and carried on .
3 Her skin seemed to glow , and she discovered she only had to smile at the male members of the staff and they were immediately more friendly .
4 She sort of flinches but I dab real soft and she lets me finish .
5 She can tell this is just harassment , and she lets him spill his speech .
6 She opened it frantically , half wrenching the door off its hinges , and looked down , screaming as the expected room disappeared and she saw nothing except a terrifying precipice and below , lying crashed and sprawled on the rocks , Mark .
7 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
8 Ruth was horrified when they went below and she saw their sleeping space .
9 And she saw something else : Michael Stein 's easy , laid-back manner had subtly altered .
10 Marc 's eyes opened a fraction wider and she saw something in his eyes that had n't been there before .
11 Suddenly the dogs scampered off , and she saw them jumping up to greet a dark figure .
12 The light seemed to have brightened , which was odd , and she saw them all like actors on a stage , brightly lit , faces made grotesque and heightened by make-up , every .
13 There 's still folk around here will tell you they never were married at all , but it 's a lie : my Aunt Florrie was char at Registry Office , and she saw them there . ’
14 ‘ I saw her , in the midst of the warriors , and she saw me too , and knew me .
15 But she had no way of signalling to Keith , and she saw him frown ominously .
16 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
17 An old tramp was sitting on a rustic seat in the sunshine a few yards away , and she saw him toss an envelope on to the grass .
18 As he ran she saw the man working the gun into the front of his overalls , and she saw him also , with his free hand , drag the woollen cap back down across his forehead .
19 He watched her climb on to the chair , and she saw him grin at the sight of her sore rump , which she thought must burn as brightly as any beacon .
20 A tantalising wriggle freed her magnificent breasts , and she saw him gawk in wonder at the delicately rounded snow-white globes .
21 ‘ Who ? ’ she said , and she saw him shrug .
22 He looked at her , and she saw him come erect , the magical mechanism of the male penis , lifting and filling out to a great rod the colour of a dull sunset .
23 She was walking toward him now , and she saw him rise as if stung and then start to back away .
24 She was utterly shocked when he put her firmly from him and she saw him button the shirt she had succeeded in undoing .
25 He sat up on the bed , and she saw him wince .
26 ‘ Do n't I ? ’ he responded , and she saw him leer down at her , as he clutched at her .
27 He neither went towards her nor withdrew and she saw it could not go on like that .
28 It was probably just a lucky guess , but it shook me , and she saw it .
29 And she saw it dancing like a hole
30 Then he took a pace forward and she saw he was dressed in the russet smock of a verderer .
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