Example sentences of "and she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And she proceeded to press upon Liz various samples of her skill , but Liz was unable to eat , nervous , wishing that it would all begin , that the curtain would rise , that the house would fill and the thick conversation rise like smoke through the thin , empty air .
2 After checking that I was not talking to the media , I asked what the nature of her enquiry was , and she proceeded to furnish me with the facts .
3 fell Thursday night , she got up to go to toilet during night and fell , Michael was sleeping there fortunately cos he 's working in Yorkshire and she got a pain on her elbow anyway in the morning , so he took her to hospital and she 'd fractured and they operated on her , same day , two hour operation , I have n't heard anything yet have we , we rang
4 And if you 've got a c country 's stamps they collect the whole lot , you know , they do n't just collect they collect the whole range all in one f And she 'd done this with her furniture .
5 Now she had done what putting thousands of leaflets through letterboxes , what advertising by advertising space in newspapers and so forth could n't possibly have done , and she 'd done it free .
6 Blue suited her and she 'd worn her pearl and diamond brooch because he wanted everyone to see it .
7 And she 'd worn herself out , .
8 After all , she now knew beyond reasonable doubt who her father had been , and she 'd warmed to the little she 'd been told about him .
9 He 'd told Dotty she would n't always feel so unhappy , that one day she 'd look at him and his face would seem quite ordinary , and she 'd flown at him , pummelling his chest with her fists , sobbing that the day would never come .
10 There had been no time for a cup of coffee and she 'd eaten nothing the night before , going straight to her cabin .
11 She did n't know what she wanted and she 'd drunk too much .
12 She had given up work to have the children and she 'd seen them through to school age , when she 'd gone out and found herself another job .
13 She 'd seen Jeanette close-to , and she 'd seen her scrubbed clean and ready for home .
14 The note had made her giggle and she 'd seen absolutely no harm in going .
15 Well , she was in Tuddingfield , and she 'd seen the turning off to Finningham .
16 and they would actually send and I know why because erm John Lewis in London erm Jackie wanted some fabric and she 'd seen it up there and Harrods and erm she found out she did n't have her card with her , just her Barclaycard said would you post this we wou we 'll have to charge you , like , two pound
17 It was late and she 'd given , they were coming out when I got round there !
18 It was mostly soft grass and woodchips here , and she 'd stepped out of her shoes and was now carrying them , walking barefoot .
19 And she 'd strained at it , strained at it until it snapped .
20 book , she wrote a list out what she wanted , she used to hand it , I remember , I 'd forgotten all about this , let's just say we were at the Co-Op , she 'd hand it in at the counter so the , the groceries counter all , and she 'd written it all out , and when it came back it was , was five minutes , it was all together for you , there it was , it was built up on the counter , and each time the amount was written at the side so
21 Under the same circumstances , she 'd have worked a lot harder to please a man , and she 'd lost sight of the fact that Kattina was an important lead in her assignment .
22 Things did go wrong … she 'd trusted in the powers of justice and compassion before , and she 'd lost her mother … she 'd trusted Mortimer with her friendship and he 'd betrayed her … trusted Guy with the whole of her heart and soul last night and all the time he 'd been laughing behind her back at the ‘ sexy redhead ’ from Chesters …
23 Then the excuse for a trip had turned up , and they 'd driven down to Stranraer in a trail of tourist cars , and she 'd played cassettes and talked a little in her soft English voice , while he sat there hardly believing his luck .
24 Each one had been accompanied by a love letter and she 'd kept them all .
25 Once it had been on the top deck of a multistorey car park in town , with shoppers passing only a few feet away on the other side of a layer of tinted glass , and she 'd felt like a tight-fitting skin over a multiple explosion that was sounding off again and again and again .
26 He 'd deceived and manipulated her again and again , and she 'd fallen for it every time .
27 and she 'd fell in it and she were having right fits .
28 Aye I said , so she said the landlord 's never put it down so we thought he 'd have had it down by she come home cos Alison seen it and where they work and th and there 's a room there or something and she 'd asked the boss could she have it for the bathroom .
29 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
30 It was a song she had known since she was a child and she 'd heard her mother sing it a thousand times .
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