Example sentences of "and she [be] really " in BNC.

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1 I speak to her on the phone almost every day and she 's really important to me . ’
2 ‘ She wants me to give it up and she 's really going to kick my tail this time , ’ he said .
3 And all her make up and she got and she 's really pretty really
4 She 's trying to be very nice and she 's really fuming Have you er finished with your tea ?
5 Come on look at her yeah , she 's got a really good figure , she 's not ugly she 's got a good er I mean she 's really tanned and that , they like that and she 's really cocky is n't she and she wo n't take any shit from anyone
6 and they 're going in my neck but I do n't wan na turn over cos she 'll fall off the bed and I 'm sort of going just on me and she 's really funny .
7 ‘ I was really nervous because I 'd never kissed anybody and she was really nice .
8 Arune is a great hand-knitter and she was really thrilled at the thought of learning to use the machine .
9 But Suzanne 's last album was a disaster and she was really devastated by that .
10 They were both vegetarian and she was really skinny .
11 I 'm still friends with my tutor , and she was really pleased when I told her I 'd got a job .
12 I know we had one lady erm lived underneath us and she was really very nervous and you know erm hardly came out of her flat at all .
13 By the time they 'd parked the car and were hurrying towards the station platform , the little girl 's enthusiasm had soothed her tattered nerves , and she was really looking forward to their day together in London .
14 ‘ Apparently , her cat had very bad plaque on its teeth and she was really concerned , so I gave her some advice and Amy has been in touch ever since .
15 I thought , and she was really depressed about it !
16 And you know , you know when we thought , yeah well she 'd , she 'd just come on when she came down to my house and she was really , really , really in a happy mood !
17 And in fact what I did do was erm went and bought her a secondhand wardrobe , took it to her , and she was really pleased because apparently she thought it was a better one than the first one .
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