Example sentences of "and his [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Although repulsed time and time again , Skarsnik 's power continues to grow even today , and his grip over the mountains around Karak Eight Peaks is just as tight .
2 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
3 Given his hard-line views — in particular his anti-Spanish outlook , his personal hostility to Mary 's chief religious adviser , Cardinal Pole , and his inflexibility over the issue of ecclesiastical property-it was only a matter of time before relations between England and the Holy See foundered .
4 He was arguably the most powerful man in England after the king and his influence over Edward IV , whether employed on his own behalf or that of others , is beyond question .
5 He was arguably the most powerful man in England after the king and his influence over Edward IV , whether employed on his own behalf or that of others , is beyond question .
6 He may be taught to hold it with the crook of the handle turned away from him , and his thumb over the top of the handle , so that he does not grip the stick too hard .
7 In agreeing to the sale of land to Glastonbury with Cuthred , Aethelbald 's consent was what was crucial and his precedence over Cuthred is clear ( CS 168 : S 1410 ) .
8 His surviving private journals show how closely connected were his religious sense and his anxiety over his sexual nature .
9 Foreman 's opponent in 1974 , Muhammad Ali , is the other important articulator of protest , and his dominance over other heavyweights for a period of fourteen years was so complete that he was impossible to suppress , even though his enforced incapacitation for four years did seem to dull his sharpness in criticizing white racism .
10 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
11 For Marduk was not the most ancient of the gods , and his lordship over the other gods was meant to justify the political supremacy that Babylon had acquired .
12 The gospel is changeless and is centred on the saving power of Christ and his lordship over our lives .
13 A Catholic accepted the doctrines taught by his bishop and his authority over the pattern of his moral and his cultic behaviour .
14 De Gaulle 's known views — fashioned by his interpretation of the collapse of France in 1940 and his resentment over the refusal of Britain and the United States to treat him as an equal in prosecuting the war effort , on the failings of the Fourth Republic , on reforming NATO , on the need for France to acquire greater international prestige , along with his ambition to affect a lasting reconciliation between France and West Germany ( ideally on French terms ) — all influenced his decision to terminate the Maudling Committee negotiations , and all were still influential in his rejection a few years later of the British application to enter the EEC .
15 Thereafter we witness Rose being guided by the Fool towards Pagoda-land , where she finds the salamander , then back to the court where her kindness to both the salamander and her persecuted old father is rewarded by the transformation of the Prince to his real shape and his victory over all contenders to win Rose , rescue her father and banish Epine .
16 Oswald commended himself and his men to God and his victory over Cadwallon established a new Christian king over the northern Angles .
17 ‘ History was the space in which the drama of individual and social life unfolded according to the purpose of Yahweh , and cosmic time simply attested to the works of Yahweh and His power over the universe . ’
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