Example sentences of "and they are [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And they are gulls they are invisible they are human
2 And they are habitat for the millions of mallard duck , Canada geese , American widgeon and other waterfowl that pause here as they cruise the Atlantic Flyway toward warmer climes each autumn .
3 It 's what the job 's all about er and they are professionals and this is the work they 're trained for .
4 Oh they have er , we can join the cricket club , like er B M K workers pay in so much and they are members of the cricket club .
5 Four words , of one syllable each , are words which contain salvation for this country and for the whole world , and they are faith , hope , love and work .
6 Erm I would like to say a few words about the Fire and Rescue Service , er the Fire Cover Review Panel er which rests erm with couple of months before Christmas er it 's first meeting , received a report from the Chief Officer that in restructuring the Fire Service to get better use out of it to er spread the cuts could find savings of up to nine hundred thousand pounds in that process and they are friends in the Labour , Liberal Democrat groups have simply taken the good aspects of that the plus side of it and rejected the side what faces the side anyway .
7 These things matter and they are part of the school 's service to parents and children .
8 It was one of the temple 's functions to produce these effects and they are part and parcel of the Minoan religious experience ; the temple itself was in a very real sense an extreme expression of that experience .
9 What Freud actually says in Totem and Taboo is the opposite of that , what he actually says is that these feelings are innate , and they are part of an evolutionary heritage .
10 Purchasing costs often represent a substantial part of the total costs of production , and they are costs which may be incurred by various sub-units of production .
11 The jewels of men are geometrical , but the jewels of the sea are of all shapes and they are jewels of a subtler quality of thought .
12 They are themselves helical , with a pitch that decreases uniformally towards the outside , and they are torsion structures held together in part at least by forces generated by the attempts of individual bacteria to untwist .
13 They are books which bring together all three of the worlds we inhabit , and they are books which appear to thrive on being seen through — on the transparency of their suggestion that tyrannies , that sycophancy , conspiracy and repression , courts and courtiers , are all on the royal right , and in the bush , and running into the sand .
14 For those tha who are not to familiar with , the initials P P G , it stands for planning policy guidance , and there are a whole series of these guidance notes produced by the Department of the Environment for the er advice guidance of , well not only the local planning authorities but anyone else who is interested in the development business , and they are expressions of , I suppose government policy , er and their attitudes towards various aspects , whether it 's countryside , housing , trans or transport , and they do pro provide a useful backcloth , in fact an extremely valuable backcloth to the way in which er this matter should be considered , erm I know from the submission which North Yorkshire County Council have used they would say that the fact they have n't had regard to all this er , but I would like to carry on the discussion against that background , and could you direct your thinking at this stage about the need for a new settlement in the light of the principles spelt out in P P G three and particularly paragraph thirty three .
15 They record dues owed by peasants to landlords ; and they are snapshots of particular points in time .
16 And the point is that all this is good , fair and equitable if you start from the conventional wisdom that : housewives do n't need money of their own because they are supported by their husbands ; they are supported by their husbands because they are dependants ; and they are dependants because they ‘ do n't work ’ .
17 And they are gluttons for what currently seems to be a much scarcer resource : water .
18 I have been there nearly ten years now , and they are years in which I have grown to learn a good deal more about the power of the Holy Spirit , his gifts , his humbling and breaking , and the glorious way in which he takes and transforms congregations and lives from every conceivable background once opened to him .
19 In our own solar system , only two planets out of nine provide conditions that could sustain life , and they are Earth and Mars .
20 Such crimes are , by their very nature , difficult to hide , and they are crimes to which the police will devote great effort and resources to solve and ‘ clear up ’ .
21 The Life-giver , Pain-bearer and Comforter are three persons and they are God .
22 First they were pursued by Iraqi government agents , then war broke out and they are carpet bombed in Iraq , and once more they are being pursued , but this time by the British government .
23 Rather , they appear when the uses of power are matters of controversy , and they are weapons in the struggles of men to enjoy the benefits and escape the burdens of power .
24 Its power slips back from glistening nacelles , and they are crabs .
25 When Ministers are faced with such unpalatable facts — and they are facts — they tend to blame the common agricultural policy , but those are domestic decisions .
26 First of all , they are entitled to an independent assessor and they are profession independent assessors such as the A A or the R A C , who can inspect the vehicle , and if erm it 's proved that the case is genuine then there is no argument on that .
27 It has always been known as Kuwait , and erm the settlers of Kuwait are Arabs that came from Saudi Arabia and the southern part of Iraq and the southern parts of Iran , and they are settlers there .
28 ‘ We have a very large number of people who 've been on our books for between a year and 18 months and they are quality staff , people who would have been snapped up within 10 days , three years ago . ’
29 Almost all the workers upstairs are women , there are only two men and they are pensioners .
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