Example sentences of "and not [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 " Shoes would almost certainly have had a maker 's name on them , and such names on shoes are generally stamped in the leather and not easy to take out .
2 Left A diagonal roundhouse kick is fast and not easy to detect , though it usually cannons off elbows and shoulders
3 These practices , they further note , ‘ varied not only from region to region and from time to time but also from social class to social class , so that their impact on field systems and rural settlement patterns is complex and not easy to determine . ’
4 The other thing I was interested in was the increase of ele of occupational therapists and I just wondered what the realistic expectation was of being able to recruit them because as far as I know they are a scarce resource er and not easy to find .
5 The piazza is huge , and roads meeting there are wide and not easy to cross ; you need one eye on the traffic , one on the trams and another on the tramlines to make sure they do not send you sprawling .
6 They are swiftly-moving animals and not easy to get hold of .
7 Yes , the body was spotted by one of our patrol boats , but it was low tide , you see , and not easy to get ashore from a boat just then .
8 And not content to sell one Leeds fan , they are prepared to sell Strandli who is having talks with a spanish club .
9 We 've been brought up to think that it 's not nice and not polite to do so .
10 The local overlords , the magnates of the neighbourhood , who had spent a frenzied few weeks petitioning and being petitioned by their would-be superiors , had not been invited and therefore sat at home , drinking behind closed doors and not available to enlighten their countrymen .
11 Supplies of water for the wet processing of textiles must be very low in suspended solids and not liable to deposit matter on standing .
12 Mrs Nowak had impressed her as a strong woman , a woman inclined to fantasy perhaps , but resilient and not inclined to despair .
13 Nutty was apoplectic with rage at the decision , and not inclined to hide it .
14 She was glad , however , being tired and not inclined to speak to anyone .
15 19 Then Joseph her husband , being a just man , and not willing to make her a publick example , was minded to put her away privily .
16 I may be a dish , but I am also a don , and not prone to see emergencies where none exist .
17 Like the style of coverage or not , we undoubtedly saw far more cricket than we ever would have done had BBC had the contract , and for that I for one am profoundly grateful and not ashamed to admit that I purchased my Sky system purely because it was producing coverage of cricket that otherwise would not be available on TV .
18 The telephone number would be somewhere in the house and in the morning Alain would be at his office and not likely to answer the phone .
19 And not likely to find out , ’ the young man who emerged dragging a suitcase muttered , ‘ if you do n't give the poor girl a chance to finish a thing she 's saying . ’
20 It is not pleasant to read the account of the plot got up to entice Forster 's boyfriend Bob Buckingham away from his wife , and not difficult to agree with PC Daley 's description of the Forster circle as ‘ pimps ’ .
21 The association of Lady Godiva with a spring ritual is more likely , and not difficult to explain .
22 It lies at the extreme edge of the constellation , and I have found that the best way to locate it is to use Beta Comæ , which is of magnitude 4.3 and lies rather off a line joining Cor Caroli to Arcturus ; though dim , Beta Comæ is rather isolated , and not difficult to identify .
23 ‘ But being a woman and not able to inherit , I suppose she might be used to being a second string .
24 In retrospect , I was shocked , dazed , confused and not able to cope .
25 [ The fourth member of Baldock 's winning team , Natalie Deegan was unfortunately unwell and not able to join the others for the trip .
26 White is more of a striker come winger and not able to do what Strach did .
27 These overseers were empowered to levy local rates , to set the poor on work , to apprentice poor children and to provide relief in the form of clothes , food , fuel and rents for the ‘ lame , impotent , old , blind , and such other among them being poor and not able to work ’ .
28 You are a cheat and not fit to manage a Premier League side .
29 ‘ They do n't understand that he 's not difficult , he 's just very honest and not afraid to say , ‘ No , that is wrong ’ .
30 For these are hyper-competitive athletes , all ex-pro American footballers or wrestlers , and not afraid to punish themselves in the cause of being The Best .
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