Example sentences of "and not [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd look lovelier if that jasmine were in your hair and not hanging off your shoulder like that . ’
2 Equally inevitably , Tinnock was only penalised and not sent off .
3 Bunyard 's accolade referred to a perfectly ripe Cox , left on its tree until October and not snatched off before it is anywhere near maturity , as so many commercially grown apples were later treated .
4 Sometimes you were up , sometimes you were down , the thing was to keep swinging and not fall off .
5 Countless numbers of people are looking to their leaders and representatives to take bold decisions now — and not to put off these critical decisions that will ultimately cause our grandchildren to curse us .
6 It could stop the erosion of rights catalogued throughout this book , and for this reason such a document needs to be considered seriously by the socialist opposition in Britain , and not written off as mere attempts at electoral reform when instead it should be developing a radical heart along democratic socialist lines .
7 It is going to be quite a fine balance between the need to cut spending , cutting taxation and not killing off the tender recovery , ’ he said .
8 He needs to do more of the toiler 's work and not hang off .
9 French move : A large French multi-national , Saur , is planning to expand its water interests in the UK by investing in Scottish water if it is franchised and not sold off .
10 and not going off again .
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