Example sentences of "and this may [be] " in BNC.

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1 If the death is then considered to be from natural causes , the coroner will issue a notification that he does not consider it necessary to hold an inquest , and this may be given to the relative to take to the registrar or sent to the registrar direct .
2 ‘ Of course you 're suggesting the side lines were n't legitimate and this may be hindsight , but now I look back Mr Hatton did perhaps occasionally have a shady air about him when he talked of them .
3 As an alternative to foreclosure , the court may direct a sale of the property , and this may be fairer to both parties , since any surplus upon such sale will belong to the mortgagor , while the mortgagee may still sue for any deficiency .
4 ‘ Hullo ! ’ , and this may be said so softly that it is almost inaudible and we only see the nostrils tremble .
5 The weightings are based on agreement between the faculty heads and this may be a function of their power and past spending allocations rather than an objective assessment of need .
6 There have been recent attempts to obtain planning permission for the mill 's conversion into a dwelling and this may be its best chance of survival .
7 Also about this time Leopold compiled a list entitled ‘ Verzeichniss alles desjenigen was dieser 12jährige Knab seit seinem 7tem Jahre componiert , und in originali kann aufgezeiget werden ’ — [ List of everything that this 12-year old boy has composed since his 7th year , and can be exhibited in the originals ] ( 11 ) , and this may be a draft or copy of a document which accompanied the petition to Emperor Joseph II .
8 And this may be the greatest threat to our reserves of groundwater .
9 Although land-use decisions are made by the household , these may well not be made equally by all members of it , and this may be significant in the perception of conservation and any government sponsored conservation programme .
10 And this may be generalized , or taken as some kind of parable .
11 Indeed , they conclude that ‘ it is television that gives millions of people their basic idea of reality ’ , and this may be particularly true for older people , who on average watch 33 hours of television a week , 11 hours more than the national average .
12 Many non-insulin-dependent ( Type 2 ) diabetics are overweight and this may be one reason for the high prevalence of hypertension observed in this group .
13 The roles of some key staff are likely to be affected by RMI and this may be perceived as a threat .
14 The great grey owl assemblage has a deficit of isolated molars but an excess of incisors , and this may be considered significant .
15 Suddenly she has time to think of herself , and this may be something of a shock .
16 Scurvy , the old sailor 's disease , is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Tobacco , generous amounts of alcohol and aspirin interfere with vitamin C absorption ; the Americans recommend a 60mg daily supplement for smokers or drinkers and this may be a reasonable amount to try .
17 But in order to gain compensation , the child would still have to show that its defects were caused by in vitro fertilisation , and this may be impossible to do in practice .
18 The assumption is that methane in the air bubbles trapped in ice remains unchanged for 30 000 years , and this may be incorrect .
19 At the very least , the assailant may be made to pause for a moment before attacking , and this may be just enough to allow the prey to escape .
20 If you are too domineering in your handshake ( and this may be to overcompensate for nerves ) you will antagonize the interviewer who will subconsciously feel threatened on his/her own territory .
21 What we presuppose then is the real picture we have of God , and this may be very different from what we profess to believe about God .
22 Certainly the feeling excited here is strange and unusual , and this may be due to the confusion in the man 's mind between his sheep and his children ( lines 21–30 , 81–90 ) .
23 The resolution of difficult issues of language in an increasingly multi-cultural society requires informed citizens , and this may be the strongest rationale for knowledge about language in schools .
24 BRAC 's efforts have brought attention to the concept of oral rehydration therapy in Bangladesh , and this may be regarded as a success .
25 An alternative approach is , of course , for students to use electronic mail to submit their work , and this may be the only option if the course involves distance learning .
26 Middle-ear infections are frequently treated with antibiotics and this may be the reason for the increase in non-infected glue ear ( Smyth 1984 ) .
27 However , each National Board will wish to evolve re-entry programmes with their own country 's needs and priori-ties in mind , and this may be reflected in the modus operandi of individual boards , and the considerable amount of time and discussion which will no doubt take place in advance of reaching a UK wide agreement .
28 It results in intense competition between the males , and this may be one reason why the males of lekking birds are larger and much more brilliantly coloured than the females .
29 In general , the areas occupied by solitary mature males are less rich in food than the female ranges and this may be a deliberate strategy on the male 's part .
30 RIGHT Professional grooming expertise is available , and this may be recommended if you are about to enter a show .
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