Example sentences of "and he [verb] write " in BNC.

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1 Newens 's views were perhaps influenced by his contacts with Ceauşescu and he had written or edited at least three books about Ceauşescu : Nicolae Ceauşescu — the Man , His Ideas and the Achievements on the Road to Socialism ( which appeared in at least three editions between 1972 and 1978 to satisfy popular demand ) , Talking with Nicolae Ceauşescu , and Nicolae Ceauşescu — The Effort to Create a Modern Romania .
2 His plaster had been changed , and he had written whilst it dried .
3 He was completely satisfied with the explanation ; the lawsuit was to be discontinued as far as he himself was concerned , and he had written to Mr. Jennings asking him to withdraw as well .
4 Unluckily , whether through carelessness or incompetence , no title deeds could be found , and he had to write to Lanfranc to beg his help .
5 It was due in tomorrow and he planned to write it tonight .
6 He imagined the personal messages which appear in the back pages ( usually on cheaper paper , and often coloured a dull pale yellow or pink ) of such magazines , and he imagined writing replies to these messages , imagined exactly what he would say , even imagined meeting some of these men .
7 His dedication to the subject was complete and he continued to write and give high quality papers at various conferences .
8 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
9 Oh the Toshiba , the Toshiba transformers , that 's what he 's got a good range of and he 's written down
10 And he 's written books and all the rest of it and in fact he 's , he 's going to be erm lecturing at Royal College
11 Another Sussex colleague , John Harrison , erm followed this through erm for the nineteenth century , and he 's written about the Shakers and I 've been interested in the Muddletonians and the Ranters .
12 Novelist , Andrew Field , claims to have discovered the lost chronicle of Edward de Vere in a hidden compartment of a desk in Chipping Norton , and he 's written a convincing novel round the supposed documents , supporting the theory that de Vere was a diplomat scholar and soldier beloved of Elizabeth the first , that he in fact , wrote the plays and the sonnets .
13 He had been keeping a wary eye on Jacques Devraux while he made another laborious copy of the revolutionary tract and he stopped writing to watch the Frenchman walk back to his own quarters .
14 READER Patrick Stubbs is a Green supporter and he has written this week about policies on key issues .
15 He has got great bone structure and a really cool Addams Family wardrobe and he has written a novel , let's be fair .
16 And he has written to Home Secretary Michael Howard demanding to know if plans for the category B inmate jail will be put on ice for a second time .
17 Only a single user can access the computer at a time , and he has to write , debug , and run his programs in the most basic computer-oriented form .
18 and he has to write it down , so you have to get it
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