Example sentences of "and be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , it is highly desirable that every pupil should become literate and numerate and be conversant with certain basic facts about his or her social and physical environment .
2 The P P G seven has a very clear theme about supporting rural diversification , it is positively worded P P G. I think the restrictive nature of the existing policy and the district 's support for that is something that can not run forward in the structure plan and be consistent with national policy .
3 We as magistrates do try and be consistent in our sentencing er throughout the country , I think it 's beholden on the police to be consistent in their approach to offenders , as well , and it seems quite wrong that someone in Folkestone gets away with doing something with a guy in Wigan er goes before the court .
4 If military training can incorporate an element of preparation for the emotional experience associated with active service abroad which prevents even a small number of psychiatric casualties , it may well also help to maintain the morale of others and be cost-effective in these terms .
5 ‘ I 'll finish this and be right with you . ’
6 However , despite a wealth of fascinating data , she was unable to untangle the causal sequence and be sure about what came first in order to conclude when and how support had been protective .
7 By slipping a neat little amendment into an aid bill , or pressing the State Department to take notice of human-rights violations , the two or three people in Congress who take an interest in an ‘ obscure ’ part of the world can be disproportionately influential — and be sure of making headlines in the country concerned .
8 Or if you prefer , we can accept your credit card orders on or — book early and be sure of a place .
9 ‘ … it will be a great thing not to have to depend on the fickle wind for making a passage , and still more to know that we may pounce down upon those rascally fast-sailing dhows whenever we can sight them in a calm , and be sure of overtaking them … ’
10 Certainly all who believe in the value of the Old Testament must take criticism seriously , as they will be the first to want to establish an accurate text and be sure of its meaning .
11 He was certainly no coward , but he was likely to remain steady only as long as he could see his way clear and be sure of what to do .
12 The most he could borrow and be sure of just being able to pay back the debt out of his future income is ( 1/1 + i ) Y t+1 ; ; this is his discounted future income .
13 We would phone the office in Port , ask if anyone spoke English , and be delighted to be told , ‘ Yes , I do . ’
14 One hundred million years ago was the Age of Dinosaurs : many would look grotesquely large , leathery and fearsome , and be recognizable as dinosaurs to us only because of our clever reconstructions from the fossil record undertaken since the early nineteenth century .
15 Ms Botwin has found that a good clue to spotting a fear of intimacy is when someone can only have sex with people they do n't care about , but can confide and be intimate with people of the opposite sex who are seen as just good friends .
16 But we can say nothing to these things you know Jackson , we must jog on and be content with the jingling of the bells , only d — it , I hate a dust , and kicking up a dust , and being confined in harness while others ride in the waggon , under cover , stretching their legs in the straw at ease , and gazing at green trees and blue skies without half my Taste .
17 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
18 ‘ But of course , ’ said Bith firmly , ‘ if your honourships were wanting it , then we 'd go and be pleased to . ’
19 They assume that people know where their own best interests lie ; they assume that people will automatically participate in politics if their interests are threatened ; and they assume that all interests possess the " potential " to organise and be influential in politics .
20 In consequence , even the publication of an academic seminar paper carried out without formal approval could form a breach in the regulated structures of police existence and be subject to disciplinary control .
21 They will have to be approved by the Lord Chancellor and be subject to the ‘ concurrence ’ of four senior Supreme Court judges , of whom Lord Donaldson will be one .
22 They should also be given permission to issue some form of fixed interest profit-related bond , be allowed to raise a proportion of their equity direct from the public and be subject to independent regulation similar to that of privatised utilities .
23 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
24 A commission in bankruptcy would cost him £100 and be subject to considerable delay ; but the consent of a certain proportion of his creditors was sufficient for his discharge for ever from his debts .
25 The Northern Ireland Housing Executive 's standing orders that contracts must be advertised and be subject to tender were ignored .
26 Only a ‘ legal person ’ can have rights and be subject to duties and obligations under the law .
27 such person shall as though he were the Policyholder observe fulfil and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions of this Policy in so far as they can apply .
28 In the event of the death of any person entitled to indemnity under this Section the Corporation will in respect of the liability incurred by such person indemnify his legal personal representatives in the terms of and subject to the limitations of this Section provided that such representatives shall as though they were the Policyholder observe fulfil and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions of the Policy in so far as they can apply .
29 unless he shall observe fulfil and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions of this Policy in so far as they can apply
30 compensation payable to any person other than the Policyholder shall be paid direct to such other person who shall observe fulfil and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions of this Policy in so far as they can apply .
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