Example sentences of "and i [be] very " in BNC.

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1 Daddy always did say to do what you do best , and I am very good at it … so they say . ’
2 And furthermore , Mr Stevens , and I am very sorry to say this , I have noticed your father 's nose . ’
3 I hope you will not be one of those who suffer but the increasing chance makes your Home Risks Insurance more essential than ever and I am very pleased that you have chosen to buy your protection from Legal and General .
4 And I am very interested in you as a person . ’
5 With only two exceptions you all did very well in your qualifying examinations and I am very proud of the school 's results , but , I am sorry , only twelve of you have been accepted for Form 1 . ’
6 I have only just flown in from Paris and I am very tired . ’
7 Mr. Stewart said : ‘ If the tree takes to its new location the effort will have been well worth it and I am very grateful for the co-operation of the builders .
8 She came to rely on me for help and support and I am very , very upset .
9 ‘ I have witnessed one bombing and I am very pleased that this sort of operation is being carried out , ’ he said .
10 ‘ Tim is very pleased with it and I am very pleased for him , ’ she said .
11 ‘ I have been excluded from my children for five months and I am very worried that they are becoming isolated from me , ’ said Allen , 57 , afterwards .
12 The welcome from all those i met had been wonderful and I am very grateful for the hospitality which was so warm and welcoming .
13 And I am very sorry , because you have the makings of a splendid cook .
14 I am aware of the difficult times that other theatre companies who actually face in this moment in time and I am very grateful when I and I 've always been grateful to the Harlow Council for the funding of the Council has given to the theatre , has given to the theatre over the years .
15 I have hurt you , child , and I am very sorry . ’
16 There will be no number one rider for Honda either and I am very content about that arrangement . ’
17 Once again my set is now complete and I am very grateful to all those who took the trouble and interest to write to me .
18 The New Review ran a profile on Minton in which he is quoted as saying : ‘ I love taxis , and the cinema , especially musicals in Technicolor , and I am very keen on jive [ sic ] .
19 I respect you and I am very fond of you and shall always , always be grateful to you ; but that is n't enough , is it ?
20 WILLIAMS , formally ] I am very glad to see you well and I am very glad of an opportunity to acknowledge your good intentions when you believed me in distress .
21 And I am very pleased she is kind to my poor Rosa — very pleased indeed .
22 Firstly , I did n't know about the SAS soldiers in the British Embassy , and I am very surprised about it .
23 We have an understanding , he and 1 , and I am very discreet . ’
24 They have asked me to write to congratulate you on this well deserved honour , and I am very pleased to do so .
25 They are lovely presents though , and I am very grateful .
26 Jeanette 's friend eventually produced the curtains for the sitting room , and I am very pleased with them ( sorry if I 've already told you that — it 's exciting to me anyway ! ) .
27 He said : ‘ I practise four nights a week in league matches and one-off quiz competitions and I am very pleased to have won the prize again .
28 ‘ But I do not intend to do it forever , and I am very strong .
29 She is a woman — and I am very pleased that she is one of the women heading the executive agencies .
30 Eric has suffered from quite severe migraine all his life , and I am very much inclined to attribute the ailment to his manner of entry into the world .
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