Example sentences of "and i [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 No , Floogie 's my friend , and I go swimming with him every day .
2 I 'm now sixty two and I go dancing twice a week !
3 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
4 I hear it clearly on the radio , and I stay leaning forward , close to the receiver , my weight moving to the balls of my feet .
5 When we were flying over Holland I did steel myself to look out and I remember seeing where miles of land had been submerged under sea water to keep the Germans out , and houses , trees and roads were still under water .
6 You would n't have heard of him , of course , but I used to read his articles to Daddy at one time , and I remember seeing in the papers that he had been very ill .
7 They may even have had servants , and I remember seeing photographs of her in a beautiful gown .
8 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
9 Uncle was quite keen on listening to the nine o'clock news and I remember hearing Mr Churchill .
10 And I remember hearing a story , er erm it was just they 'd got an old farmer he had a field of hay , just ready to cart and just as they were getting the horses , it came down to rain and they were all sheltering in the barn , and the said , More rain , more rest .
11 I remember a sensation like a slug or a snake , something vile entering me , and I remember vomiting .
12 Just after I 'd finished at college , I went along to someone 's party and I remember telling this girl who I was chatting up that I played bass .
13 We were told to take food and water on a train going down to Mandalay and I remember taking the Mothers ' Union tea urn !
14 And I remember taking it out of my pocket and showing it to Basil and saying , now , this is the kind of thing I 'm interested in , as well as horses , because it gives me a feeling of English life .
15 ‘ It was a fantastic experience , and I remember taking a photograph of Harold Abrahams at the start of the 100 metres race that he won .
16 George was taken prisoner , too , when he was fighting in France , and I remember reading in a newspaper how he had escaped as well .
17 ‘ The Liver Birds had just started on television , ’ recalled Allen , ‘ and I remember reading a bit in the paper saying there were very few situation comedies written for women , with women in the lead roles .
18 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
19 and erm there was no final erm sort of er judgment to be had so erm then we had to call meetings of this little Sub Committee who finally made up their minds and I remember typing reports , quite long reports , about erm Rhode Island Reds er crossed with Light Sussex and Light Sussex crossed with er Brown and erm I , I knew precious little about poultry at that time .
20 when I was about twelve and I remember bashing into a nanny with a pram .
21 We had a photo session at somewhere like a hotel — it was n't one of the studios — and I remember looking at Jackie [ Hill ] and thinking , ‘ Ooh , she looks a bit formidable . ’
22 After what could only be described as a very spirited fight a small but brilliantly coloured koi of about 7lb came to the net and I remember looking at it with disbelief that such a small fish could have pulled so hard .
23 And I remember staying by the river and going netting for collect tadpoles and that
24 interview , that we did n't have erm much sort of inroads with the the young Caribbean community or the Rastafarian community , but erm you know I have spoken to one or two , and I remember speaking to one who said , that they had gone after a warehouse somewhere .
25 It was more than a shock I put my head in my in my hand and I remember kneeling right at this spot and just crying my heart out .
26 Madame always had a little stage set up there at the end , and I remember thinking at the time , well , seven nights in a week and seven different acts , it 's one way of dealing with the situation .
27 I was surprised at the violence of his remorse — after all , he had only hit me — and I remember thinking , quite irrelevantly , how much more true to life the old dramatists were than modern ones , making their characters utter loud cries and throw themselves about the stage in moments of anguish , rather than deliver their parts poker-faced , through stiff lips .
28 And I remember thinking , says Wendy , ‘ that no way would Mark go along with that because it would be casting aspersions on his masculinity .
29 They were just poling away and Matt shouted ‘ Hey , fellers , cut ’ but they did n't take any notice and I remember thinking maybe they 're testing the rope to see if it works , and Matt and I turned at just the same moment and saw where the Indians were heading us — straight into a pile of rocks and foaming water — and I knew the rope must have broken or something .
30 ‘ No — I remember , it was Taylor , because it was the same day you came in , and I remember thinking it was a coincidence .
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