Example sentences of "and that there [be] " in BNC.

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1 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
2 We can believe that the pub is universally respected and prized and that there is common cause and common understanding between owners , operators and users alike .
3 We contest that there are no laws written in stone , and that there is room for hybrids .
4 Make sure at all times the boredom does not creep in and that there is a feeling of concentration and application to the task .
5 Everyone has a right to be buried in the churchyard of the parish in which they die — assuming that one exists , and that there is space left .
6 Normally , they need not additional support , but you must take care to ensure that the position is between joists , and that there is sufficient clearance above the light to prevent overheating .
7 ‘ Our research shows that Amex members generally lead active social lives , regardless of whether or not they spend their weekends risking life and limb and that there is a need for this sort of cover .
8 Surveys since 1979 show that trade unions have become less feared and that there is less support for further privatization .
9 He points out wryly that ‘ entrepreneur ’ is a French term and that there is no equivalent word in the English language .
10 Her way of supporting Greenpeace 's campaign to save the whale was to demonstrate that there are always substitutes to be found in nature and that there is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered species out of existence .
11 ‘ I 'll be happy with Mike 's place for the moment , ’ said Colin , again rubbing in that he knew a thing or two about some of Sheffield 's leading businesses , and that there is no substitute for that kind of detailed and expert and intimate knowledge .
12 Coventry , however , claim the queues were caused by late-arriving supporters , and that there is no way Clarkson can have arrived at 2.15 and not have been in the ground by 3.10 .
13 The Jewish commentaries on the story tell of how the two of them worked as a team , educating the people around them , teaching them that they should not worship idols , and that there is only one God .
14 I also take for granted the fact that the water is normally heated , and that there is a mikva which is easily accessible from my home .
15 This close association of Church and Party may well have had a cost to the Church in limiting recruitment to people who are not committed supporters of the Official Unionist Party but , given that the DUP support is twenty times the size of the Free Church and that there is a large uncommitted population , this is probably not something which explains why more people do not join the Free Church .
16 Assuming for now that the cause of death is known and that there is no need for an inquest or autopsy then the death certificate is next taken to the Registrar for Births , Deaths and Marriages .
17 Where belief in God is concerned , Newman accepted that God 's existence can be doubted , and that there is no possibility of the mathematical certainty which can be achieved in the case of equations .
18 Remember that recovery is a slow but continuing process , and that there is no doubt that the patient will improve , provided he does not have any major setbacks .
19 Every now and then make sure that your writing hand is relaxed and that there is no tension in your jaw .
20 The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that energy does radiate from the body and that there is more to the human being than guts , blood and bone .
21 You may think , for example , that this type does not exist and that it is inaccessible , not human , and that there is no such person as this , that it is utopian .
22 In so doing the quality of the service can be improved by ensuring that the objectives for individual placements are more closely related to the needs of the school and that there is support for implementing the outcomes of the experience .
23 There is general agreement that the management of patients who cut themselves , especially those who often repeat the behaviour , can be difficult and that there is a need for the development and evaluation of new forms of treatment .
24 Make sure commodes are clean and to hand and that there is toilet paper available .
25 Check that the lavatory is clean and that there is enough toilet paper .
26 This is a great pity ; the battle between these two paradigms , that of Galton and that of Binet , is a very real one , and to pretend that it does not exist , and that there is no evidence against the paradigm adopted here , is disingenuous .
27 We have been trying to din into the heads of the electricity boards an inkling that different people are susceptible to different levels of radiation exposure and that there is no safe level .
28 Yet apart from the obvious general fact that there is still insufficient concern about process evaluation and that there is a regrettable tendency for people to embark upon long and costly courses of action without carefully considering whether they are necessary or possible , there remain two major issues to cause concern in the countries I visited .
29 The CPRE believes that enough land has already been provided for in the Structure Plans of the south east to meet these requirements and that there is in fact a 38 per cent over-supply of land .
30 You may find the competitive element useful for stirring you on to greater efforts , and you will certainly find it reassuring to know that you share a common problem and that there is not something intrinsically wrong with you .
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