Example sentences of "and that [indef pn] had " in BNC.

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1 When he was satisfied that he was all right and that no-one had heard him , he picked up the brown bag and moved into the safety of the trees .
2 Joan recalled what happened : ‘ Apparently the soldier opened the bag and something fell out and he thought it was a paw and that somebody had thrown a dog into the river .
3 A Scotland Yard spokesman said no disciplinary action had been taken against any officers and that nobody had been suspended .
4 In his own published letter relating to the episode Major Wiseman stated that three planes had taken off , had been unable to locate the dropping zone , had turned back , and that one had failed to return and ‘ was presumed shot down in the Channel ’ .
5 Every album has its own geographical kind of fantasy scene that exists in my head and that one had a lot of them .
6 It is of interest that the positive tumours in the present series were both ‘ large ’ polyps 2 cm in size , and that one had undergone focal malignant transformation .
7 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
8 No matter that it had been police business , and that someone had to do it , he had personally selected Phyllis Henley yesterday .
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