Example sentences of "and it be part " in BNC.

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1 And it 's part of the Christian doctrine , you know , spare the rod and spoil the child . ’
2 It 's produced by Christian Aid and it 's part of its Christian Aid week 's activity .
3 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
4 So and it 's part of the three drop load so .
5 It 's very much a real church while the show 's on , with a vicar and prayers each morning , and it 's part of an entire village that 's taken only four weeks to build .
6 This qualitativeness — the ‘ manifest image of the world ’ — is irreducibly connected with what experience is subjectively like , and it is part of what is lost if consciousness is analysed away or otherwise abandoned .
7 In the 1850s , when there was still little pumping from the Chalk aquifer , water levels were nearly as low as they are now ; low rainfall was the cause then , and it is part of the cause of Europe 's recent droughts .
8 It is ‘ making allowances ’ that is difficult , but bear in mind that the doctor does see parents who are genuinely harming their children , either mentally or physically , and it is part of his or her job to consider all the possibilities in every case .
9 This is what is referred to when one speaks of the implementation of a program being machine-independent , and it is part of the conventional distinction between hardware ( i.e. machines ) and software ( i.e. Programs ) .
10 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
11 A certain proportion remains unaccounted for and it is part of this that is claimed to be the product of investment in education and health .
12 The view that state subsidies encourage strike activity in a variety of ways is strongly held in advanced industrial societies , and it is part of the Conservative Party folklore on industrial relations .
13 However it is linked to these things because they and it are part of a complex whole , and this rules out the simple correlations between two elements which Engels sought to establish in his ‘ historical ’ discussion .
14 Drawing refreshed him as a long walk refreshed him , and it was part of the art of forgetting slights , frustrations , old wounds , so necessary if he was to survive and stay serene .
15 He liked comfort and it was part of his image .
16 He liked her uncertain and apprehensive ; it reinforced his power and it was part of the punishment .
17 She was being persecuted and it was part of a carefully laid plan .
18 I 've had erm on two separate Sundays I 've had volunteers to come and help but and my son-in-law made a silt trap , and the Water Board erm made the sluice gate , because it goes into their stream , and it was part of their responsibility .
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