Example sentences of "and it [is] more " in BNC.

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1 And it 's more fun now than when we were consumed by white-hot passion .
2 you may find that sniffing is n't the main problem , and it 's more urgent to tackle other problems
3 It 's not cheap but the dispenser means a little goes a long way and it 's more hygienic than a pot .
4 I get a bit of paper and it 's more official but I still do n't get anywhere . ’
5 it prevents the group from becoming bored and frustrated ; 2. it trains you to identify essentials and to avoid waffle ; 3. it gives you practice in handling intellectual exchanges ; 4. it increases your sensitivity to the feelings of others ; 5. it helps you to " think on your feet " and gain self-confidence ; 6. it assists you with later revision and exam techniques ; and 7. it makes for better learning and it 's more fun .
6 is a foot deformity , present at birth right , present at birth , it does n't happen afterwards , it happens , it 's caused before the baby 's born and it 's more common in boys can be one or both foot , feet .
7 I 've been meaning to do it , he does n't seem to have the will , and it 's more my job , I think .
8 kind of carpets all the time , just an odd contract stuff , now it 's nearly all contract , so you 're seeing a lot of different carpets and it 's more interesting wondering where they 're going to , like America and
9 And it 's more or less on the way to your place at Kew . "
10 Yeah and it 's more the job-seeker side
11 Because there are more people there on Saturday and all the people we know will be there and it 's more fun when there 's a crowd .
12 And it 's more likely that the cloudier west coast will only struggle to ten celcius , that 's fifty farenheit .
13 I do n't know that the school 's is the right vehicle for this because in many ways , the children who are getting into these things pay more attention to the peer group , and it 's more important to have community groups , community cafes , things which are not seen as authority getting at them .
14 And it 's more than one teacher , because it 's
15 Well , it 's growing and it 's more like a small town now and — hey !
16 And it 's more than doubled in Swindon and Gloucester .
17 Er of course it 's , it 's , it 's I think it 's more longwinded than er I mean it 's the first time you 've fully got into it , and it 's more longwinded than the fifteen minutes allows you erm but I , I thought you were doing quite well to be honest .
18 Because if they 're flat , all the water collects on them and it 's more likely to like , something 's more likely to happen to it .
19 Other news now , and it 's more than a thousand days since Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza strip began the Intifada or uprising which has cost hundreds of Arab lives .
20 But the law does contain such offences , and it is more a matter of prosecutors making little use of them .
21 There was , however , a senior general , Catroux , representing the Free French in Egypt at the time , and it is more probable that it was he who interviewed Stirling .
22 Although the itching may be due to the movement of the louse over the skin , it only moves a maximum of six inches per day , and it is more likely that an allergic reaction is set up to the lice themselves or to their faeces .
23 In the Tønder example , however , the vugs occur in the subsurface on top of a salt dome , with thick units of halite above and below , and it is more probable that they were formed by the same late-leaching process that was responsible for the intercrystalline porosity ( Clark 1980a ) .
24 Terminology in this field tends to be somewhat confused and it is more helpful to regard the assessment of training as one integrated process , while recognising that the facets described as evaluation and validation are contained within the general concept . ’
25 In non-literate society … the cultural tradition functions as a series of interlocking face-to-face conversations in which the very conditions of transmission operate to favour consistency between past and present , and to make criticism — the articulation of inconsistency — less likely to occur ; and if it does , the inconsistency makes a less permanent impact , and it is more easily adjusted or forgotten .
26 The series is a variation of Hans Christian Andersen 's fable of the Emperor — and it is more rather than less pointed because here the clothes are fabulous .
27 In pollution control work , however , there is none of the sacredness of the policing of the traditional code ( Lemert , 1972 ; Manning , 1977 ) , and it is more difficult to dramatize the threat of pollution than to portray the symbolic assaults on the community from criminals , addicts , vandals , and other sinister figures on the fringes of the moral order ( Manning , 1980 ) , notwithstanding the missionary zeal of some proponents of regulatory reform in the USA .
28 We must walk to see all this , and it is more difficult to walk along the railways than along the canals with their sequestered towpaths .
29 Rex and Moore 's classification was based upon research in the Sparkbrook area of Birmingham , and it is more or less time-specific to the mid-1960s and applicable to medium-to large-sized cities .
30 The rules are beautifully simple , but its branching ratio is 300 or more and it is more subtle than chess .
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