Example sentences of "and a good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her scheme of things in my judgment is likely to offer better continuity of care and thus more rapport between Paul and his carers and a better opportunity for one carer to hand on the necessary skills with Paul 's equipment to any successor .
2 They asked him for a swimming pool and a better playground , but he was n't making any promises .
3 He will tell you he has been left a better player and a better person .
4 The companies view this effort as working towards the success of their co-operation over the Precision Architecture RISC chip and a better range of distributed applications services and tools for their customers in a client-server environment .
5 And a better bottle than he had dared hope .
6 It was wonderful while it lasted and a better way to make money .
7 Nibbling , rather than gorging , is a healthier way to lose weight and a better way of satisfying your appetite .
8 The Neon also gets full-width wheel trims , passenger door mirror and opening rear quarterlights , while inside there 's velour trim and a better stereo .
9 As well as planning and buying the schedule , it is the job of the media people to check that everything has appeared as it should , to negotiate redress where the media are in error , and to assess , retrospectively , what has been achieved — this is , of course , essential for TV , where the medium is bought , as it were , sight unseen , and it is the media department 's job to guess the ratings of the slots they buy into : if they guess right , they will achieve better ratings , and a better cost per thousand , than originally planned , and assuming the advertising does the job it is meant to , the clients ' sales should achieve at least a very small extra boost .
10 And Thiercelin wondered whether of all the men in the Grand Army , he alone realized that the charmless , unpopular Davout was a better soldier , and a better man , than the emperor , and might have served as an example to princes , had he only possessed a little more humanity .
11 He did really well as a novice a year ago in some top class races in Ireland and , although he fell at the seventh in last year 's Gold Cup , he should be a more mature horse and a better jumper this season .
12 If the ribs ( sides ) are thinner , as suggested ( about 1.5mm ) hot bending will not be necessary and a better shape can be achieved by the use of a simple jig to hold the ribs while the glue dries .
13 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
14 ‘ I have got more knowledge and a better attitude as a result , ’ he said .
15 As the authors have pointed out previously , packed cell volume is a poor indicator of red cell mass and a better measure would have been useful .
16 However , the assets are written down and a better measure of the true value of the company is the near £600m which the stock market puts on it .
17 but you had a eight to finish with which is finishing and a one , two , three might not be and a better run so I think I would have been tempted to finish with the ace flush there try and stop me rather than trying to win it cos you had nothing else did you ?
18 The Court of Appeal held that the supplying was insufficient as an unlawful act because it was not ‘ directed at ’ V. Subsequent decisions are unclear whether the ‘ directed at ’ test remains good law , and a better approach to the facts of Dalby would be to hold that the supplying of drugs did not cause the death because V took them himself .
19 Mr Kenneth Clarke , Health Secretary , promised more government funding , less waste and a better service for patients .
20 The potential gain from rail privatization would be a more commercial railway and a better service for the public .
21 ‘ But we are already seeing the benefits in terms of faster deliveries and a better service for customers . ’
22 For the second Test both sides will be much better prepared and a better Test match will be the result . ’
23 Thresher has a modest selection of Bordeaux including several branded wines : Calvet Reserve 1985 red is ripe , soft and likeable at £5.75 ; while Sirius 1986 red has a good defined flavour and a better price at £4.99 .
24 Room sizes are usually provided on the particulars , and a better sketch can be drawn at home .
25 He spoke about universal human concerns , and articulated the aspirations of ordinary people towards peace and a better life .
26 We need to cut the tax on capital gains — encourage risk takers … to take those steps that translate into economic reward , jobs , and a better life for all of us .
27 Under CSO proposals from the Royal College of Psychiatrists , the care team would have the right of access to the client and a better chance of using gentle persuasion .
28 And once it went , he would be in the thick of it with all his weapons and a better chance than most .
29 They have taken the technology as they found it , at relatively low cost , and invested in re-engineering the product for efficient production , quality and reliability and a better price/performance ratio .
30 They have taken the technology as they found it , at relatively low cost , and invested in re-engineering the product for efficient production , quality and reliability and a better price/performance ratio .
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