Example sentences of "and still the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was burrowing into responsibilities , looking for them almost , for they gave substance to that which bound Emily to him — and still the shock of jealousy pulsed occasionally making him shudder so that he blushed to seem to be shivering .
2 We had failed to discover a third or even fourth hole and still the water was rising .
3 And still the lawyers get their fees .
4 And still the horror stories go on .
5 And still the buggers rejected me . ’
6 They sleep in their socks and their trousers and their tunics , and still the cold bites them .
7 But it 's not easy I mean you know I was reading an article ages ago a few months ago actually and saying you know if you think about it the sort of revolution was over a year ago and still the government has n't done anything about it and I mean like a lot of provisions that have been brought into Romania sort of go in the front door and out of the back door and you know they sort of sent those of supplies like contraceptions and things like that for the women and overlap
8 Ten other airframes followed and still the hangar seemed vast !
9 And still the Han crowed about it .
10 She 's watching Walter Hardy — seventy years old , and still the Bay 's most reliable handyman — as he moves out with waders and a boathook to take a look under the terrace 's decking .
11 I mean those horses offered at fifty to one could have been offered at a hundred to one and still the bookies would have finished up ahead , but of course those people those few people who 'd at fifty to one would have one twice as much .
12 And still the champ
13 Opposite Passengers crowd onto a train in India where the steam trains are legendary and still the dream of travellers .
14 As with planting , so with pruning : hundreds of books , millions of words , lots of diagrams and illustrations , and still the questions come !
15 And still the story of God 's great purpose for mankind is scarcely begun .
16 And still the torpedo-nose of D'Annunzio 's 12-cylinder road-going missile filled his rear-view mirror .
17 Er , Mr brought slavery into it , but no one had more slaves than India and the Moguls and what about suttee where widows were burned alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands and still leap and still the system was des er was stopped by the English Just a moment the door was opened by Mr talking about slavery we do n't shut it on
18 At the same time , the fathers at home were given years to implement the law and still the women suffered and raged .
19 And that 's really the scene for this afternoon , with the best of any sunshine being over the Lothians and the south , and still the chance of a shower in the north west .
20 It was an advantage to have an even number of sails as , if one went out of action for some reason , the opposite one could be taken off with it and still the mill could work without being unbalanced .
21 He came silently almost to Harry 's shoulder , and still the boy was not aware of him , so perfectly was every sense concentrated on the block of wood before him .
22 and still the Helmores did n't come .
23 It has been alleged by the director of a management investigation company that telephones in Transport House , then the headquarters of the Labour Party and still the headquarters of the TGWU , were tapped for long periods during 1972 , a time of union opposition to the Industrial Relations Act 1971 .
24 It took about a minute to get the rifle in place and my head in the correct position , cheek by stock , and still the beast had n't moved a millimetre .
25 The fire spread through her limbs , nerve-ends felt red-hot , and still the heat increased until she felt as if she might burn up completely .
26 The church clock struck a quarter to twelve , and still the bride did not come .
27 And still the restaurant did not pay .
28 And still the killing goes on … the sad toll of death and destruction that spans our troubled globe
29 And still the argument rages .
30 Here we were , approaching the sixth wartime Christmas and still the end did n't seem to be in sight .
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