Example sentences of "and still [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A scientist can not be swayed by such fears and still remain time to science . ’
2 I will spring a tear , come to attention and salute that old Scottish soldier who took an alien handed to feed his family and still bring honour to the 91st of Foot .
3 The results show that Sweden can spend less than it now expects on district heating and electricity and still cut CO 2 emissions by 35 per cent by the year 2010 ( see Figure ) .
4 The rational company would cash in its profits on the speculation — and still cut production and investment as it was priced out of the US market .
5 How to be ethical , and still come top
6 The Boro could win the Rumbelows , the FA Cup and the Second Division championship this season and still come downpage to the news that Newcastle United have escaped relegation ( probably on goal difference on the last day of the season , jammy penalty in injury time ) .
7 Research has proved that we can eat more carbohydrate calories than fat calories and still lose weight !
8 What were the central features of this democracy , which aroused such controversy at the time , and still provokes debate today ?
9 The adrenaline makes her giggle , and still rising noradrenaline levels set off the familiar beat of passion .
10 Here was the partial and still nuanced defiance of their respective Alliance masters that indicated both a German refusal of the role of victims in the superpower struggle and a sense in both German states that the room for manoeuvre was growing .
11 The price-conscious monarch could have bought presents for the whole family — and still had change from £50 .
12 Four months later , I had to have another operation for cancer — of the lymph glands — and still had trouble with my back .
13 I took on additional work in the Council , bullying them to set up a committee to draft out statutory requirements for caravan sites — which later became the basis for a Private Member 's Bill — and still had time to dig the vegetable garden and walk miles with the children , just for the pleasure of it .
14 Now it charges one part of the city $12 a ton and still loses money .
15 We continued to cut costs and still lost money .
16 A few recovered children occasionally clogged the toilet with their stools ( 4% ) , had abdominal pain ( 9% ) , and still exhibited stool withholding ( 5% ) .
17 ‘ No. 27 , a section of the original works , and still containing evidence of its early date , is now the general fitting shop .
18 SGE has launched Delta software which allows simultaneous acquisition and processing of data from two chromatographs , each with two detectors , and still allows editing and reprocessing of data .
19 If he had a reading nearby he might of course be able to use her place and still claim hotel expenses , so it would not pay to fall out .
20 I believe that when the French were here , a man could enlist with the forces and still claim paternity for children born during his absence , even if he 'd been away a couple of years . ’
21 They dropped specially-adapted mines which it was hoped would , if they missed the Tirpitz , roll down the steep slopes of the fjord and still cause damage .
22 Bullough offered Fleischmann their facilities as Fleischmann and Pons would be able to develop their work much faster and still retain control and priority over it .
23 It seemed that we could just about raise the amount of the offer we had decided upon and still avoid bankruptcy .
24 You can pay up to 15 per cent of your earnings altogether as contributions and still get tax relief .
25 Happily both are popular with tourists and still make money .
26 Such conceptions , however , persistently disregard one of the principal elements in political life , namely , the struggles that have taken place , and still take place , precisely over the ‘ legitimacy ’ of any established system of political power , and over the exclusion of some members of society — frequently a majority of the population — from any effective participation in the determination of collective goals ( which are often in fact , as Marx observed , representations of an illusory , spurious ‘ general interest ’ ) , whether by a restriction of political rights ( for example , the right to vote ) , by coercion or by ideological manipulation .
27 Mr and Mrs Key are said to be grief-stricken and still undergoing therapy after the loss of their baby sons .
28 Other nannies , such as Sally Percival , now married and living in Northampton , were kind and sympathetic and still receive Christmas cards from the children today .
29 The sample was then purified by using diatoms and guanidinium thiocyanate , but the procedure was adapted by washing only once with each reagent , thereby reducing cross contamination and still abolishing sample inhibition .
30 Those who were too tired to move and still felt cold took themselves off for a hot bath .
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