Example sentences of "and should [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And it is our judgment that you can and should pay at once a portion of Mistress Hussey 's dowry , so that her maintenance may be assured , and she may return to her father 's house from this court , as is her wish .
2 How can you actually account for that because either you could er increase your profits by the accrued amounts and then somewhere else balance sheet and should pay for your acquisition
3 However , he added : ‘ We think it is high time the French government took responsibility for their citizens and should pay for this kind of damage . ’
4 But Familymakers believes with proper emotional support most of them could and should settle into a new family .
5 Other Arabs told us we were surrounded and should move to another village .
6 The card will be tried out in Northampton over the next six months and should go into full production in nineteen ninety five .
7 Is he further aware that he carries the good wishes of the party behind him in the difficult few months to come and should go to the talks in great confidence , knowing of the great contribution that this country has made to Europe since the days of William Pitt ?
8 committee of actually emphasize , what Mr , Mr is actually saying is the ideas and the , the , the suggestions of this particular route will be incorporated in this report and should go before this committee and he can not give a preview of those ideas to anybody else
9 Meeting the Australian Prime Minister , Paul Keating , and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade , Gareth Evans , Zhu said that China and Australia had no fundamental conflicts of interest and should co-operate in preserving peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region .
10 Unification , he said , should avoid disrupting the existing strategic balance between NATO and the Warsaw Pact and should centre on " the formation of a fundamentally new structure of European security which will replace the one based on blocs " .
11 Connery was already a vocal supporter of the SNP before they had their first parliamentary victories in the Sixties , and when SNP fortunes were low in 1969 , you could still hear his recorded voice from the campaign trucks in the slums of the Gorbals , saying Scotland is a nation and should stand on her own two feet .
12 You know you ca n't love people , Lee , because they are frightened of life and I think they are quite right and should beware of everything , especially camp comedy , the Communists , erotic fiction and you .
13 The pair , who are entered in the two-man kayak race , have set themselves a time of 28 hours and should arrive at Westminster at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday .
14 ‘ The Hansom will take us to Blackburn Railway Station , then from there we 'll travel to Liverpool and should arrive with time to spare . ’
15 A detailed breakdown of the range and depth of experience is not attempted here , and should arise from the various questionnaires currently being circulated [ … ? ] .
16 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
17 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
18 COMMENT AND FACT Newspapers should not express comment on conjecture as fact and should distinguish between them , but they are free to be partisan .
19 In addition , the role of the numerous growth factors and their control in platelets , macrophages and endothelium needs to be explored in diabetes and should lead to new insights in the development of diabetic vascular complications .
20 The freeing of economic forces to operate , it was believed , would produce developments which spelled the death of slavery and should lead to a prosperous , morally appropriate and stable order .
21 Chairman Alan Brooker believes the company 's increased size has put it in a better position to win larger , long-term contracts , in line with DCM 's stated policy , and should lead to improved margins and faster growth .
22 The system will be used in an internal pilot project in Informix 's US and UK offices and should lead to a major deal across the US if all goes well .
23 But there have been warnings against this — both from black parents and from the conservative popular press — and these are helping teachers to re-evaluate multicultural education and to consider much more fully why it is of benefit for all children and should lead to increased achievement and awareness amongst our pupils .
24 Establishment of an Independent Review Body containing both lay and lawyer members — this popular recommendation is long overdue and should lead to a more independent and searching investigation of alleged miscarriages of justice .
25 Parliament may have intended that the English court could and should bring before it , and make orders against , a person who has no connection whatever with England save that he entered into a transaction , maybe abroad and in respect of foreign property and in the utmost good faith , with a person who is subject to the insolvency jurisdiction of the English court .
26 The reason I pressed Dr Goode on the degree to which he could and should rely on Dr Carrington 's decision is because both morally and legally , such a decision can be relied upon only if made by someone who 's lucid and fully aware of what he 's doing .
27 What type of jobs exist and should exist in the housing field ? direct labour ? sub-contractors should the Housing Executive employ local firms to do work in West Belfast ? does the Housing Executive 's tendering policy fairly treat the local labour force ?
28 He is fifty-three ageing , losing his sight , and should prepare for death .
29 Comedian Eddie Murphy was n't funny anymore and should return to Beverly Hills Cop style movies while Jacko needed a decent film role to showcase all his talents .
30 He explained that Louis Johnson and General Bradley were visiting Japan near the end of May and should return to Washington by 12 June .
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