Example sentences of "and help they [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That is what makes them different from other student movements , since they work with the oppressed and underprivileged , making them more aware of their role and situation in society and helping them to realise the need to organise themselves and to start doing the work by themselves . ’
2 And the needs of people with learning difficulties and their carers , above all , can not be defined and prescribed independently of the process of encouraging and helping them to welcome opportunities and change .
3 And helping them to do it , ’ said Breeze zealously ; but Gay shook her head .
4 Encouraging women to first express and then try to ‘ let go ’ of their previously suppressed fears and anxieties — usually through visualisation techniques and helping them to attain very deep states of relaxation — can , she maintains , eventually eliminate phobias , depression , psycho-sexual and reproductive disorders , as well as more general tiredness and tension .
5 It is the skilled job of the social workers to help the foster parents cope by understanding their anxiety , explaining the child 's difficulties and helping them to get along together .
6 The " living history " sessions offered on site by the Education Officers at many museums and historic buildings can provide particularly rewarding experiences for this age group , stimulating the imagination , through sight , touch , smells , and so on , and helping them to experience " what it was like to live in the past " .
7 He set up an organisation called BSC Industry , which had the prime task of counselling redundant steel workers , retraining them and helping them to redirect their careers and , in many instances , set up their own small businesses .
8 Not only did this process of consultation demonstrate that the Council was in charge of its own proceedings , but it brought the bishops together and helped them to get to know one another .
9 At the fall of France , Donald Caskie had refused a place on the last boat home and instead had gone south where , working from the Seamen 's Mission in Marseilles , he had hidden hundreds of allied servicemen and helped them to escape over the Pyrenees into Spain .
10 Their treatment and advice have contributed towards the welfare of the horses and helped them to achieve their full potential on the racecourse .
11 there are some … that travell with me in the same birth ; yet are not able to bring forth their conceptions , for so much as many times , the Truth suffers by a weake delivery ; and for their sakes have I held this Glasse before them , that so they may be the better able to describe themselves to others ; and to help them to bring forth that out of their mouths , which perhaps may lye in the bottome of their hearts .
12 The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act , which became law in 1970 , revolutionised the public attitude to the disabled , including the deaf , by imposing statutory duties upon local authorities to provide for their welfare and to help them to overcome their disabilities .
13 But more importantly , as far as Roddick is concerned , each franchised outlet is required to take on a community project in its area , which she believes gives the young women in the organisation additional status and helps them to realise that everybody has the ability to change the world for the better .
14 Using an extensive collection of pure perfume essences , his unrivalled skills and unerring taste he will advise Harrods customers on fragrance and help them to realise a unique perfume of their own .
15 Ministers may also use committees of inquiry to place the railways under public scrutiny and help them to push through changes .
16 The Organization 's aims , as set out in the Charter adopted in 1972 are : ( i ) to promote Islamic solidarity among member states ; ( ii ) to consolidate co-operation among member states in the economic , social , cultural , scientific and other vital fields , and to arrange consultations among member states belonging to international organizations ; ( iii ) to endeavour to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination and to eradicate colonialism in all its forms ; ( iv ) to take necessary measures to support international peace and security founded on justice ; ( v ) to co-ordinate all efforts for the safeguard of the Holy Places and support of the struggle of the people of Palestine , and help them to regain their rights and liberate their land ; ( vi ) to strengthen the struggle of all Muslim people with a view to safegarding their dignity , independence and national rights ; and ( vii ) to create a suitable atmosphere for the promotion of co-operation and understanding among member states and other countries .
17 Check residents ' clothes regularly and help them to shop if they would like this .
18 It will be used by owners , and other users for making decisions in respect of continued investment in that enterprise and help them to form a judgement of managers ' performance etc .
19 In cases of mild illness , such as coughs and colds , often all you can do is let children rest and give them over-the-counter medication to relieve pain or fever and help them to sleep .
20 Sometimes children like to list the names of the members of their family and in this way we can help them to count how many there are , and help them to remember to include themselves in the count !
21 In an attempt to respond to this need for training , WACC 's Pacific Regional Association has organised and funded four desktop publishing workshops since 1987 specifically to upgrade the skills of Christian communicators in the Pacific islands and help them to use the new technology to maximum effect .
22 Streamline Graded Readers encourage students in their language learning and help them to gain confidence in their ability .
23 The college says the exercise will build up the young people 's confidence and help them to work as a team .
24 To master their environment and help them to understand violence and death .
25 Clearly , an LEA has an obligation in the words of a recent Audit Commission report ( Audit Commission 1989a ) to ‘ articulate a vision of what the education service is trying to achieve ’ and to ‘ support schools and help them to fulfil this vision ’ , but it could be argued that the most appropriate focus for such a vision , necessarily generalized because of the range of institutional contexts and pupil needs involved , should be on identifying broad goals and the kinds of learning which schools might seek to promote .
26 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
27 These antigens are expressed on the surfaces of the body 's defence cells , the lymphocytes , and help them to recognise invading foreign cells .
28 It is up to our families , our school and our parishes to ensure that the right values are conveyed to our young people , and help them to develop positive attitudes .
29 These would include such features as : allowing the child to initiate a high proportion of interactions : providing conversational bridges — " turnabouts " as Kaye and Charney ( 1980 ) call them — which both respond to the child 's previous utterance and invite him or her to say more ; making reference predominantly to the child 's or to joint activities ; and responding to the child 's utterances with extensions , which both confirm the acceptability of his or her contribution and help them to pursue the topic further .
30 I talk to them about the choices they 've made which led them to offend , and help them to find strategies to avoid it in the future , ’ she explains .
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