Example sentences of "and at this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You will probably purchase these fish at under 10cm and at this size they are really still only fry , but with a potential to reach up to 50cm .
2 He said it warmly and gently , and at this Lydia was surprised since she had thought her remarks somewhat offensive and would not have made them had she still been in love with Finn and desirous of his good opinion .
3 Now remember this coral is from the western side of Isabella Island and at this location water temperatures are primarily controlled by the of cold , deep water as the trade winds blow from east to west across the islands .
4 And at this level of stressful incompetence , escape into averageness seems a matter of chance rather than will .
5 This is found in natural waters in small quantities ( 3 p.p.m. or less ) and at this level is unlikely to cause any process trouble .
6 Waddington 's formula is a large stock of modern and contemporary art picked to satisfy a broad range of tastes and pockets and at this year 's fair he will show works by Lichtenstein , Warhol , Sean Scully , Julian Schnabel , Michael Craig Martin , Barry Flanagan , Fiona Rae and Ian Davenport .
7 She had been so engrossed with Ana that she had paid no attention to the path and at this part it was narrow .
8 And they sat in the car with the windows down in the freezing dawn and they watched the distant city lights going out under the dawn at five in the morning , they sat there for a full half hour , looking , and thinking how beautiful the city looked at this time and at this distance
9 However , the window size is currently set at four words , and at this distance the difference between the two algorithms is very slight .
10 And at this distance ,
11 It sounds good in a variety of styles , and at this price you really ca n't go wrong .
12 Graphics plays an even lesser role with SuperCalc 5.5 than it does with Lotus 1-2-3 , so if you do n't like pretty pictures you might be more at home in the Computer Associates stable — and at this price , why not ?
13 He walked home through the quiet and at this hour deserted village .
14 And at this hour , I have all the time that I need . ’
15 And at this church we got there early and the soon as we walked in there the , the church warden says toilets are there .
16 All children love playing with balls and at this age it is sure to be one each , so that one-to-one correspondence comes naturally .
17 And at this point when a range of established values were under scrutiny , the body was made to carry a new symbolic load which reflected the change from the social conformity of the previous decades .
18 If Mitzi had been sitting on the lilac branch with the squirrel yesterday ( and at this point her thoughts brought a smile to Elisabeth 's face ) , she would have overheard much to have kept her mind and tongue engaged . …
19 And at this point he sat up in bed , said ‘ White Rabbits ! ’ aloud , to bring luck throughout the coming month , and looked eagerly out of the window into the dewy sunshine which was beginning to shimmer on Thrush Green .
20 Katharine and Benji had produced some nice work together and at this point Jennie told them to have a rest on a long rein for a few minutes .
21 On a very literal level this is true , and at this point one might compare the ‘ obvious moral ’ of The Ancient Mariner :
22 And at this point , finally , Niki 's career takes off .
23 Erm so Russia decides to intervene and at this point erm is especially concern of Britain .
24 In early August , Congress formally ratified both parts of the administration 's economic programme , the budget cuts and the tax cut , and at this point few could doubt that Ronald Reagan had passed with distinction the classic test of presidential greatness .
25 There were three other men present and at this point , they joined in the argument .
26 It may be said , then , that it is China who again , and at this point , determined the fortunes of Vietnam .
27 In the latter years the Falcons owned by the Department of National Defence were seen as an un-necessary and additional expense to the Ministry of Transport JetStars , and at this point in time their future is uncertain .
28 However , in most circumstances the right decision will be to go ahead and at this point the PRO must , as honestly as possible , judge the merits of his company 's case and , if necessary , suggest ways in which the company might modify its stance on an issue so as to reduce its vulnerability .
29 Suddenly the yacht changed course for Margate and at this point Venturous lost radio contact with the shore unit .
30 And at this point reason failed me .
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