Example sentences of "and they 're not " in BNC.

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1 One Special Branch man said to me : ‘ There is only one other minister who has two police guards and that is Mr Tebbit — but we 're armed and they 're not . ’
2 And they 're not old like you . ’
3 They 're gross , offensive , and they 're not even funny .
4 RICHARD : Lots of shrubs have wood and they 're not trees .
5 So for all these journalists to cry foul because they 're not being given a plane and they 're not being allowed to fly in — I think that 's just a bunch of bullshit .
6 And they 're not all that marvellous .
7 And they 're not all bad .
8 And they 're not above leaving a couple of drays in there late on till first light , rather than stable them .
9 ‘ The players here have jobs to do — and they 're not doing them .
10 But if you start putting down investment in new plant and equipment when interest is at 8% , and you find in a year 's time that you 're paying 15% — and so are your customers , and they 're not buying — it screws the numbers up .
11 There 's loads of kids who are just fashionable London types , and they 're not into it . ’
12 Drive around Cornwall during the winter months , and many of the cars and vans you see are sporting SAS window stickers — and they 're not all driven by young blond wave riders .
13 They 're not afraid to be bald and they 're not afraid to appear naked in magazines . ’
14 The Nirvana comparisons are equally askew , and they 're not as retro as the Fannies .
15 On a clear day — and they 're not that uncommon — the panoramas may take in up to 15 counties .
16 You see , and all the time we 're pushing it , you know , the girls have got to stand up for themselves and they 're not to allow the boys to speak to them in ways that are sexist .
17 Inevitably the introduction of money into their economy has made them more materialistic , and they 're not quite as open with tourists as they once were .
18 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
19 The software world is gradually being taken over by little animals , and they 're not the sort of cuddly , fluffy ones we 're used to seeing .
20 Northern men are not interested in their women being intelligent , and they 're not particularly attracted by breasts , bottoms or legs .
21 When it comes to sex , they are the only group noticeably opposed to having oral sex with women in future , and they 're not at all tempted by hard porn films or videos .
22 " At least you did n't call me a tinker , and they 're not all thieves . "
23 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
24 and they 're not allowed to question anything
25 and they 're not allowed to disagree and answer back and argue as , I do n't think anybody likes
26 And they 're not , they do n't have , they 're normal .
27 And they 're not gon na do that at all , they 're going straight ahead .
28 If you 're in the situation where you 're waiting to come onto the roundabout , you see somebody who 's indicated left , you assume they 're gon na turn off so you pull onto the roundabout and they 're not ,
29 And they 're not bothered about how much water you make .
30 And they 're not coming back for their education ; they 're coming back for the support that Arbour gives them , so they may spend more time with Monica in the nursery looking after the baby and gradually they 'll move back into the classroom in their own time and get back to their exams .
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