Example sentences of "and that if she " in BNC.

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1 For one thing , I thought I had cleared the nest recently , and that if she was sitting on anything at all , her clutch could not number more than two or three eggs .
2 And that if she must choose between love and work , she should never hesitate : it is work , a woman 's own creative work , that gives her the only real satisfaction and makes her life worth living .
3 Our manager replied that it was not company policy to divulge personal details of employees ( mad joggers or not ! ) and that if she wanted to take it further , she should write in .
4 Perhaps I should have been frank with her , admitted honestly that I did n't love her and that if she insisted on marrying me she would be condemning both of us to a joyless union .
5 This may be a good moment to indicate to her very gently that she has grieved well and long , and that if she is beginning to feel that her period of mourning is nearing its end ( even though you appreciate that she will always carry the scars of her sorrow ) , you are ready to give her any help she needs to adjust to her new and different life .
6 He had no doubt that his mother was in her bedroom and that if she heard him she would come into his room and it would start , he knew it would : the upbraiding of Martin , and he would n't be able to stand it without checking her .
7 She had hoped that Rosie Lane at least , who was usually willing to try anything once , would have accepted the challenge , but she demurred , pleading a headache , and Janice told her , in mysterious tones , as though provided with obscene , private information , that she would be mad to go to such a place , that it was rough there , and wicked beyond all Clara 's pitiful conceptions of wickedness , and that if she went there anything might happen to her .
8 Pressing his hand against her bosom or kissing his fingers softly and reverently , she told him that she knew and had always known that only she could make him happy , that there was already a mystical bond between them and that if she could not soon feel his arms about her and his lips upon her own , she would sink away into despair .
9 She knew , with a feeling of detachment , that she attracted quite a few stares herself , primarily from men , and that if she had not had André at her side she would have been in very real danger of having to concoct a few efficient exit lines .
10 The sensible part , however , knew that seeing him would only be painful and that if she was to get over this miserable crush she ought to do everything possible to stay away from the man .
11 Terry told her she was a fool and that if she could n't see it looked like someone 's frilly bedspread then she must be blind .
12 Stevie says that grieving is an important part of bereavement and that if she bottles it up it will only be worse later .
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