Example sentences of "and that [noun pl] would " in BNC.

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1 The 1988 Housing Act was heralded as promoting ‘ tenants ’ choice' : the government assumed that there was widespread dissatisfaction with local authorities as landlords and that tenants would apply in large numbers to transfer to an alternative landlord .
2 It was also agreed that an independent commission of inquiry would be established in Mopti in northern Mali on Feb. 19 and that talks would continue in Algeria on Feb. 15 [ see also p. 38708 for details of Tuareg rebellion in Niger ] .
3 It is probable that during the short drive from the palace to Villeneuve l'Etang both decided that certain aspects of court protocol would have to be looked into and that changes would have to be made .
4 The CNAA announced that its policy of requiring the inclusion of complementary or contrasting studies in courses in order to provide a balanced educational experience had been ‘ under review ’ , and that changes would shortly be announced intended to respond to recent developments in the colleges and allow greater flexibility .
5 On May 31 the ANC secretary-general Cyril Ramaphosa told the press that the " conference has given us our battle orders " and that campaigns would focus on the release of all the remaining political prisoners , the election of a sovereign constitution-making body , the establishment of an interim government of national unity , and the creation of the conditions for free and fair elections .
6 He added that two or three state industries would be privatized and that efforts would be made to streamline the administration of the rest , making them self-financing .
7 Ferenc Karpathi , then Defence Minister , announced on March 29 that national service would be reduced to 12 months from August and that soldiers would no longer have to carry out other types of service such as agricultural work .
8 The shipowners knew there was a commodity market at the destination and that prices would be liable to fluctuate so that any delay could lead to a diminution of the value of the cargo .
9 Significantly , it was also agreed that the two leaders would jointly tour the violence-affected areas , and that structures would be set up to convey the strategy to the grass-roots level , and to work towards the rehabilitation of the stricken communities .
10 Those who designed the materials were aware that boards would be operating in a wide variety of contexts and that members would come from a variety of backgrounds .
11 In brief we requested that legislation be enacted to preserve the total assets of Pension Funds for the sole benefit of members , that there be equal number of members and employers as Trustees and that members would have the right to oppose Hostile Trustees .
12 In line with Ferreira da Nóbrega 's assurance that Brazil was not imposing a debt moratorium such as had been the case in February 1987 [ see pp. 35823-24 ; for lifting of moratorium see p. 36553 ] , and that payments would resume when the exchange situation permitted , payment was in fact made the following week .
13 It was announced on May 22 that Germany would open its borders to children , the sick and wounded from Bosnia-Hercegovina and that others would be allowed in if friends , relatives or others undertook to look after them .
14 In his report to the Assembly , the Secretary-General said that by December only 72 countries had paid their contributions ( fewer than the previous year ) and that resources would be exhausted by the last quarter of 1990 .
15 A decade or three back , when most of us could visit most countries without a visa , there was little expectation that this would prove a high water mark and that restrictions would steadily increase , but we may not be able to assume that the freedom to dial direct to distant countries will continue to increase : Egypt has cut direct-dial telephone links with Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iraq , Sudan and Iran to make it harder for Moslem militant leaders in exile to communicate with groups at home and organise terrorist attacks , the Al-Akhbar newspaper reports ; it is still possible to call via an operator .
16 Still others argue that Parliament is not the most important site of political struggle for women , and that women would be better spending their political energies at the level of local politics or in everyday struggle .
17 And that things would tend to drag on to the last minute and then they would start and then it would it go forward .
18 No one would have believed then that , three years on , hundreds of newly-qualifieds would be redundant — and that perks would be cut , salaries frozen — and even harder to believe , that management and certified accountants could be sought in preference .
19 He admitted the Council had begun slowly , but said that was inevitable , and that bishops would work better now they had come to understand different points of view .
20 It was also agreed that both sides " shall jointly make efforts to adopt documents for the verification of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula within two months after the first meeting of the North-South Joint Nuclear Control Committee " , and that inspections would begin within 20 days of the adoption of these documents .
21 On Feb. 4 Hor Nam Hong announced that it was the last extension of the Assembly 's mandate , and that elections would be held in 1992 with or without a political settlement .
22 The following month , however , the President announced that plans for a multiparty system were to be implemented and that elections would be held in February 1991 .
23 Opening an extraordinary MPLA-PT congress in Luanda on April 24 , dos Santos said that agreement had been reached on a ceasefire to begin the following month and that elections would take place in September 1992 .
24 Several economists in the City reckon that controls on mortgages ( not their own , of course ) would be helpful , and that leakages would be small .
25 In an address to the country on Nov. 10 , President José Eduardo Dos Santos announced that a general election would take place on a date provisionally set for the second half of September 1992 and that consultations would continue with political parties and organizations on a firm date .
26 The CML pointed out that a sealed form 53 was a receipt , and that lenders would be reluctant to issue it before receiving the monies in question .
27 The union pointed out that under the Merchant Shipping Act , the loss of a ship terminated a seaman 's contract and that newcomers would expect the wages which they had previously enjoyed ; since these varied from port to port and ship to ship , domestic peace on board would be unlikely .
28 Dairy Crest , one of the largest producers , agreed that stocks were low and that supplies would be ‘ restricted rather than abundant ’ .
29 It was anticipated that port performance would improve as a result of more intense competition and that jobs would be created ( upwards of 50,000 ) as a result of investment , redevelopment and rejuvenation of ailing dockland areas .
30 But it is equally harmful to swing to the opposite extreme : to claim that the enterprise of becoming literate is hard only because teachers make it so , and that children would succeed perfectly well if they were just provided with suitable books and left to themselves .
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