Example sentences of "and he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E asked me if I 'd go an' look for it , and 'e gave me a quid .
2 Then the old girl turned up and him to stop him mutilating him bit more .
3 He 's engaged and they 're saving up to get married , but Helen and him thought it 'd be better to buy one now because they 'll have a lot of expenses after they 're married and wo n't have Helen 's wages . ’
4 ‘ I can see me and him having it to go one of these days . ’
5 I auditioned and he hired me .
6 Obediently , they bowed their heads and he dusted his hands as if they had been contaminated .
7 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
8 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
9 The offence was grievous and innocent , I drove the wrong way round a roundabout , which sounds appalling but there was not a single other car in sight to , in a sense to steer by so to speak , erm but there was one policeman , and he stopped me , and he fined me , and I had to search for my purse , which I had well hidden , this being Italy , erm underneath all the bedding and the tents and the cooking pots , found it in due course , presented him very shakily with these thousand lire or whatever it was he wanted , and , and this is really the point , drove off very shakily too .
10 His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret .
11 He expressed interest in the article for Leavis , which had been called ‘ Scrutiny of Modern Greats ’ , and he questioned me closely about the general intellectual mood at Oxford .
12 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
13 Of course , he knows that you and I are old friends and he transferred his anger to you .
14 She struggled to sit up , still wrapped in the mists of sleep , and he transferred his gaze from her shoulders to her breasts .
15 He thinks I 'm a tramp , she thought , almost dispassionately , and he hates what he 's done , hates the way sexual desire 's lured him , tricked him .
16 And he hates me for giving in to them , and for seeing how he 's shrunk .
17 He hated them before the war and he hates them now with a depth you gentlemen here would find hard to understand . ’
18 So , I put it on the other way round this morning and he hates it , I 've only just done it
19 ‘ It was his first job and he locked himself away for the day with a feather and a bottle of wine , ’ remembers Sally .
20 While Blanche tries to pass him in one of the passages he grabs her and he hurts her in the cruellest and most brutal way .
21 When God comes and he asks me to give something , whether it 's my finance , whether it 's my time , whether it 's my , my abilities , whether it 's , even my life itself for him , he only asks because he has already done it .
22 so he was playing the father you see , and he asks his son to come into the study , and he said , but you do realise so , er that the Hugh Laurie is the son of his , you do realise that you were adopted ?
23 When you go to a banker for a loan and he asks you what security you can offer , you may think that banks exist to lend on good security .
24 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
25 He said , it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police told her when you come back we 'll have all this typed out , your statement but we 'll need you to sign so tell the coach driver to stay at , stop at the police station for you to sign it and I , I said to her , how , how did you manage to stop that boy ?
26 He was not without talent , though , said Joe , and he advised him to join a local theatre group to get some experience now that the studio training scheme had been abolished .
27 ‘ The specialist thought negatively , and he advised me to finish .
28 Before she could make another move , his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible .
29 She buried her face against him , afraid to say any more in case he guessed how she felt , and he gathered her close , reaching out to switch off the lamps .
30 And he gathered his feet under him and hurried after the others .
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