Example sentences of "and it [be] it " in BNC.

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1 Erm by saying it 's a priority we 're not saying it 's our only priority , we have a number of priorities and it 's it 's up to us to in debate with the housing corporation er , to come to the best agreements for Harlow .
2 Miliary er i it it refers , well you 've heard of millet seed and it 's it refers to a seeding of many different lesions er , around the body it means the disseminated form of of tuberculosis where the lesions occur all over the place .
3 And it 's it 's almost like saying that the , if you take H R T er , this is in our sort of survey that you will in fact erm , reduce the instance of heart disease but ma , might you , in in fact , increase the risks of breast cancer .
4 and it 's it 's something about the shame around depression that we do n't actually come forward for counselling and there 's certainly not enough free counselling services in Scotland .
5 You make that assumption and it 's it 's essential to your case , is that is that fair ?
6 And it 's it 's obvious once you 've thought about it
7 Cos he 's gon na just divide it by the number and it 's it 's
8 and it 's it 's rubbish then , it 's rubbish because the scale does n't mean anything .
9 Now I 'm pretty certain that you do that and it 's it 's a bit of erm there 's qui quite a bit in it .
10 And it 's it 's about the C Os C E D software training .
11 And it 's it 's not an item that , that you 're er furnishing every two or three months , this is an expensive
12 months and it 's it 's annoying me .
13 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
14 It 's about grey matter and tr and and a bit of , you know , ducking and diving and a bit of erm cun and it 's it 's who you know and not what you know I mean really , excuse me one moment .
15 I mean probably women are more daring you know because they 've got less to lose in a way I suppose if you if you 're not a councillor you can be more er you know or if you 're not worried for your job or you know or if there is n't a definite structure I suppose in the lodge there 's the definite people that always say the same things you know what I mean and it 's it 's less easy to be spontaneous in that situation I would think you know .
16 Well g er going back to my starting point that the relative environment of Selby the vis a vis the rest of North Yorkshire erm it 's a point which I 'm sure I 'll repeat in in in the coming days and it 's it 's basically that Selby in comparison with other districts in North Yorkshire is significantly different .
17 Right erm I would just like to mention that it does n't say here that the A P C have set up er a separate er lobby group erm on which I have the honour to be a member with Patrick er to try and influence the MPs because one of the things which er is coming out and it 's it 's actually shown in paragraph three point three A at the bottom , the questioning whether the demand should be necessarily met or whether in fact , and this links to the government 's present erm reluctance to direct airlines to work from current unused capacity for example at , at erm at Luton and I think that there may well be some pressure put that er we should try and change that .
18 Of course , it 's quite right , and it 's it 's in a sense maybe reasonable to oppose a budget , but in the past , I think it 's been erm , one of the strengths of the labour group , when in opposition to put alternative budgets in for say , yes , we take a view that 's different to the budget that 's before us , but so far with two conservative speakers , we 've not had the benefit of knowing which items , which levels of of spending within this policy committee , be it the Chief Exec .
19 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
20 Clearly er my recollection at the time there was great concern and it can and it 's it 's it 's arguably reflected in the public response , about creating a new road passing between Harrogate and Knaresborough .
21 Again in any traffic model there are pluses and minuses , the simplistic assumption is and it 's it 's a common techniques used in in in in traffic models er for for schemes of this type er that you do use all or nothing .
22 It 's one of the delightful , I 've been recruiting for a long time and it 's it 's one of those erm delightful things to be able to say to people on the phone when they tell me they 're fifty or fifty four to say that 's not a problem .
23 And it 's it 's on the economic front that regeneration has the highest priority in Leeds and not on the housing front , as I as I 've previously described .
24 Er , it 's page sixty-one and it 's it 's title is : Scientific Research , the Whole Truth , er and if you like I will draw the points out of the study and leave you to comment where there questions and where there are n't any questions to interject any comments that you feel appropriate .
25 at all and it 's it messes everything
26 And it 's it 's true in any presentation there 's nothing more uncomfortable is there than somebody in the middle of a presentation that you 're watching struggling that 's right you really feel sorry for them .
27 and it 's it 's
28 Erm and it 's it 's quite interesting to look at that .
29 You have , you have taken the word evaporated out of the air , and it 's it 's an assumption , you must cross that out .
30 So we 've been through quite a lot of those and it 's it , the case does n't really stack up .
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