Example sentences of "and i [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
2 His ball had gone into deep rough and I noticed he was walking toward it much faster than usual and he was talking to me faster .
3 He wore a sailor 's short sword by his side , and I noticed he had only three fingers on his left hand .
4 I started siding stuff then , an' sweeping an' doing ; and I expected he 'd begin a calling me for my idle ways .
5 It turned out the Australian 's baggage with much expensive equipment had never arrived in Quito , not even made it to the continent ( or so he 'd been told ) , and I sensed he had no sympathy left for any other 's misfortune .
6 I was Jean-Claude 's gateway to the future , and I sensed he was becoming increasingly conscious of the fact , and satisfied with our relationship .
7 Venus , Ah think , ’ Ward said , and I realised he , too , had been watching the spectacle in absolute silence .
8 It was a shock , I can tell you , when he walked into the centre and I realised he was my new medical officer . ’
9 But when the man Harry came back without the pirate , Silver seemed angry — and I believed he was .
10 But he did eat it , and I thought he would .
11 And the man had a mouthful of champagne and I thought he was going to have a heart attack . ’
12 He grabbed my tie and I thought he was going to nut me in the face .
13 ‘ He 'd written all these books about sex and I thought he 'd know all these exciting things and I 'd just be so ordinary .
14 When the draw was announced and I found that I was next to Carl Lewis I thought that it was just brilliant , because we run our races in a similar fashion and I thought he could drag me through .
15 ‘ I told you , Cal — he just tagged along , and I thought he 'd be good ammunition against Mum and Dad . ’
16 He dodged behind a bus and I thought he 'd been knocked down .
17 The R/T was bad and I thought he said ‘ below you ’ so I concentrated on that section of the sky almost exclusively , leaving it to Dick to watch above us .
18 His voice was surly , but suddenly he twisted round to face me and took off the headphones , and I thought he was going to apologise for his rudeness of the previous night , but instead he demanded to know if it was true that we were out in the open ocean and were not planning to make a landfall for some days .
19 And I thought he was a nightmare or that I was going out of my mind .
20 I told her I was n't there , I 'd left , and I thought he 'd smash things up and my china cabinet would be the first . "
21 And I thought he was the one who killed her , too , ’ said William , ‘ when they finally told me . ’
22 ( I read Matthew 's Sura 's piece last month and I thought he caught you bang to rights . )
23 And I thought he was healthy .
24 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
25 He stared at me for a moment , and I thought he was going to be angry .
26 I met this man and I thought he was wonderful — so nice to me and everything when I first met him .
27 I had recently had my little girl , her dad had walked out on me , and I thought he was just another man who had what he wanted and then left me .
28 I liked him very much , and I thought he loved me too .
29 And I thought he 'd have flogged me .
30 Then the Reverend called , with his news about the weather turning stormy , and I thought he was the last person we needed to hear from .
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