Example sentences of "and in [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In my opinion religion will always be here and I feel that there is a place for it in tomorrows society as it is all around us and in everything we do .
2 ECT is likely to be indicated in severely depressed patients who show biological features of depression , especially if delusions or retardation are present ( Brandon et al. 1984 ) , and in whom it is felt that delay in relieving symptoms is unjustified .
3 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
4 But anyway , saying to Father that you , who are the apple of his eye , and in whom he considers he 's bred a lady , telling him that you hope to marry one of the Feltons , the quay Feltons .
5 He works with local Contractors whose work is to a high standard , and in whom he has full confidence .
6 I had not realized how close they had been but she grieved for a long while for the grandmother to whom she had felt close and in whom she had found it easy to confide .
7 In his account of the final stage , it is as if the unheard melody of which he had some intimation suddenly becomes audible and transposes all his experience into its terms : In my prayer I was reaching out to heaven with heartfelt longing when I became aware , in a way I can not explain , of a symphony of song , and in myself I sensed a corresponding harmony at once wholly delectable and heavenly , which persisted in my mind .
8 Television series such as ‘ Colditz ’ and ‘ Planet of the Apes ’ , serve as a ready source of knowledge for the conventions of their games and in them we see the deployment of a rhetoric from which the pupils ' associated theory of schooling can be inferred .
9 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
10 Jo 's relationship with Chris gives her the security to pursue her career and in him she 's found the man of her dreams .
11 The decade ended with the railway hotels not merely privatised but in many cases under second and third owners , generally poorer in standard and distinctly without the nation having benefited ( since they ran at a profit anyway ) , with Travellers-Fare privatised and healthier ( both profitwise and in what they served ) , and with InterCity rethinking the role of the restaurant car and with many chefs still preparing meals on board .
12 The aim is to test children both in what they know and in what they can do .
13 ‘ They had a wonderful pioneering style and pride both in what they had achieved and in what they could teach you .
14 No sisters until mother got married again , and me sister as I call her now , she 's me of course my half sister , Jessie , she was born I 'd be about seventeen cos she did n't get married till after the First World War , remarried me step-father was in the forces and he fought , he actually fought in the Boer War so he was a a soldier in the Boer War and in what we call the Great War , nineteen fourteen to nineteen eighteen , but er I had a misfortune to lose the brother next to me , Frank , which he had what was common in those days tubercular trouble , tubercular tuberculosis affected the bowels , see he died in , on August the fourth nineteen eighteen in the old infirmary that now classed as the Manor Hospital , but that was the old infirmary cos we there was no widow 's pension in those days , our mother was a bridle stitcher and she used to do have an old fashioned clamp , have you ever seen the clamps that are leather , th tha they held them , the leather , she used to stitch bridles at home , we used to help her with waxing the threads have a leather apron and a bit of wax and pull the wax over the thread , and then roll it round till it was strong enough to thread it , we used to make the threads for her to er stitch the bridles .
15 It is inevitably highly selective , both in the Acts it covers and in what it includes from each Act .
16 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
17 Anyway , and it was all such a , a resounding success so I , I was regaled with all the details of what she , and in what she had indulged and er , she said she went in more for the pi er she did n't go in for erm aromatherapy and the reflexology and the facials and the manicures and things , she went in for loads of bicycling and exercising and er and steam baths and things .
18 with your background in sales and in what you 've done er with your hands as well , I would put you in estate agents .
19 From this perspective the nature of modern democratic regimes , and the setbacks and limitations which they experience , are intimately connected with the class structure and the relations between classes as they have developed both in capitalist and in what I shall call ( for the moment ) post-capitalist societies .
20 SO Iran-contra did not happen much , except to certain people ; and even those people often felt caught up in events that were exceptionally odd and different , adventures they might have watched on television , and in which they especially did not expect to find themselves .
21 The image of Zuwaya past was of a society in which people resisted the temptation to submit to authority , either internal or external , and in which they took some positive steps to secure that freedom .
22 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
23 Because of the hostile environment for which they were built and in which they excel , Beavers are rarely seen by us ‘ soft ’ folk from civilization ; yet who knows how many are still soldiering on ( Beavering away ? ) in the jungles , mountains , deserts and tundra of the world ?
24 Here the washerwomen find , or sometimes make , by moving some of the smaller stones , a kind of basin through which the water flows , and in which they can dip the linen .
25 The rejection by the Buid of any form of legitimate hierarchy or aggression within their society must be set within the context of a larger cosmological system in which humans are under constant attack by both predatory spirits and lowlanders , and in which they must commit parallel acts of aggression against their animals .
26 This ‘ technological ’ view of education and teaching also prevents teachers from deliberately gravitating to schools whose ideology they like , and in which they will feel comfortable .
27 It is not to be doubted that there are still thousands of mainframe users that want nothing more than to continue with the kind of computing they have always known , using the environment with which they are familiar , and in which they have invested a large part of their lives .
28 ’ After this horrifying war , which the Serbs started and in which they committed most of the horrors , people will want to ponder how such things came to be said .
29 They came up with a vision of work that offered them a challenge , was interesting and in which they were in charge .
30 And I am convinced — or rather , I have been convinced — that this felicity is due to the influence of the place in which they were born and in which they have lived all their lives … ’
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