Example sentences of "and in [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Five of the 13 Labour authorities still refuse to participate in local consultative groups , although Brent is about to reverse its policy and in Ealing the matter is under discussion .
2 Caribbean women have the fewest children , and in Cuba the average is 1.7 .
3 Sydney 's All Share Index yesterday rose 15.0 points to 1580.6 and in Singapore the Straits Times industrial index jumped 17.00 points to 1,394.32 .
4 It will never be superseded in this world or the next and in Paradise the blessed will practise archery .
5 And in rehearsal the other two actors have been making the running .
6 Proposals for fundholding were greeted with scepticism by many general practitioners , and in Scotland the BMA persuaded the government to allow a scheme to test the arrangements as a demonstration project operating ‘ shadow ’ practice funds .
7 But it is important that in rehearsals and in performance the singers and the players can hear one another .
8 In Australia under the compulsory arbitration system , the peak employers ' confederation ( CAI ) makes representations before the wage hearings of the Federal Arbitration Commission ; and in Israel the central body represents its member firms before the Labour Courts .
9 In Germany the Federal Infrastructure Plan of 1985 makes provision for 4,500km of high speed line including 800km of new line ; in Italy and the Alta Velocita network will consist of 2,200km of new and upgraded line in a T shape linking Milan , Rome , Naples , Turin , and Venice ; in France the TGV ( Train a Grande Vitesse ) network will eventually total 7,000km including 2,300km of new lines such as the recently announced TGV Nord which will link with the Channel Tunnel : and in Spain the government has decided to adopt the standard European gauge for all new high speed lines with priority being given to the Madrid-Cordoba-Seville and the Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona-French border lines .
10 ‘ In Switzerland Mrs Peacock is known as Captain Azzuro and in Spain the lounge is a verandah .
11 In Greece all 11 Ramsar sites had been damaged and in Spain the Cota Donana reserve was threatened by tourism and irrigation schemes .
12 The office reports that the birth rate in danger areas is less than half that in other regions , and in Lodz the death rate is higher than the birth rate .
13 These difficulties contrast with the relative ease with which larger firms can obtain investment funds and in Japan the differential access to sources of finance is very significant .
14 There are , of course , problems with measuring and interpreting trade union membership since in the United States , for example , some professional bodies may not call themselves trade unions although they engage in bargaining activities and in France the only source of such statistics is from the unions themselves ( or , indirectly , via the support given to the various unions in elections for enterprise committees ) .
15 However the ETUC had begun to press the need for the development of an active social policy in the late 1960s , and in response the first Quadripartite Conference , involving representatives of the Commission , Ministers of Labour , employers and employees , was held in Luxembourg in 1970 .
16 On 31 May 1974 , the Supreme Court decided by eight votes to nil that the President must hand over the tapes to the new Special Prosecutor , Leon Jaworski , and in July the House Judiciary Committee voted that the President should be impeached .
17 For him that summer — Newark , Haight-Ashbury , Detroit , or Vietnam aside London was the capital of the world , and in July the Arts Lab opened .
18 In June the World Bank agreed to provide dollars 84,000,000 to back further agricultural reforms , to be allocated in two equal tranches , and in July the bank granted a dollars 130,000,000 loan to support the restructuring of three major state companies in the phosphate , chemicals and railways sectors .
19 A June visit resulted in a report particularly critical of the Academic Board 's lack of policy for the coordination of departments and for the planning and control of resources , and in July the College was informed of the Council 's concern about the relationship between full-time and sandwich courses .
20 As we all know , there is still great prejudice among speakers of RP against other accents such as Cockney , and in England the correct accent is a mark of social acceptability .
21 Although the great American Thomas Jefferson in 1807 used the term " public relations " , and in England the pen was mighty and writers such as Swift and Dickens promulgated their ideas hoping to change public opinion about a whole host of social or scientific or political issues , until the First World War , public relations was thought of as propaganda .
22 That in the militia was one of the most deeply resented burdens on the ordinary man in France ; and in England the Militia Act of 1757 was widely resisted .
23 The work was classified secret and in Britain the university workers joined closed laboratories , Thomson 's group moving to AEI ( Associated Electrical Industries ) Laboratories at Aldermaston and Thonemann moving to the Atomic Energy Research Establishment ( AERE ) at Harwell .
24 And in Britain the proportions of them who depend on social assistance seem to be higher than anywhere else .
25 All I can say is that it was edited by two women , it 's being promoted by a third , it 's being marketed by a fourth , the rights were sold by a fifth , and in Britain the serial rights were bought by a sixth .
26 Only Cook 's voyages , the first in the series , are anything like as famous : even the polar voyages of Parry , Franklin and Ross are relatively little known , and in Britain the French , Russian , Spanish and American scientific expeditions in the same tradition are forgotten .
27 In many cities traffic speeds are now slower than they were in the age of the horse , and in California the average speed is expected to drop for 53 kilometres per hour now to 24 by 2000 .
28 A further 0.25 percentage point reduction in the intervention rate , to 9.1 per cent , was made on Nov. 12 when UK base rates were also lowered from 8 to 7 per cent and in Italy the discount rate was reduced from 14 to 13 per cent [ see p. 39159 for October reductions in UK and Italy ] . )
29 In France the cabinet du ministre throughout much of this period and in Italy the gabinetto particolare set up in 1855 were often extremely influential .
30 and in Sheffield the fiat snail Oxychilus draparnaudi .
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