Example sentences of "and in [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas 's experience abroad enabled him to assist the Company in many ways , such as in starting the cultivation of vines and the silk industry , and in sending out skilled artisans from Germany .
2 And in picking up these old connections it helps greatly that Greece now belongs to the European Community .
3 Of course , a man may have more than one razor , and in tidying up for departure he may forget that he has left pyjamas under his pillow , but the impression of the bedroom and the bathroom conflicted with the kitchen .
4 Much work might remain for the clergy both in imposing a code of Christian morals , and in determining where the line was to run between what could and what could not form a respectable part of the Christian life .
5 Clinging onto things , breathing little , inching a slow way forwards , I achieved again a sort of numbness to my basic state and in looking upwards to the stars at every pause felt lighter and more disembodied than before .
6 The Japanese police proved as zealous as they were in Japan in investigating communist activities and in rounding up suspects .
7 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
8 In his introduction he said that this budget had to signal a radical departure from practice in recent years , especially in stressing an anti-inflationary orientation and in moving away from state paternalism towards private enterprises .
9 It was a crash course in survival , and in learning how to get on with people ; but when he made friends there , he knew , probably for the first time in his life , that he was liked for who he was and not what he was .
10 From the thirteenth century European lapidaries conducted active experiments in cleaving diamond crystals and in learning how to shape them in ways best calculated to admit and reflect the maximum light ( fig. 28 ) .
11 In spite of the social dislocation and consumer privations that Stalinism wrought , it must be said that the ruthless and heavy-handed mobilisation of human and economic resources did succeed in achieving impressive growth rates and in building up a solid industrial infrastructure in what , with the exceptions of Germany and Czechoslovakia , had been largely agrarian countries .
12 And in considering how such things could have fooled some of our most eminent Baroque scholars and performers , I leave the reader to judge whether the question mark in my title deserves to be there .
13 If they had been chatting , no matter how lightly , she would have been so absorbed in carefully listening and in getting out a reply through a nervously constricted throat that she would n't have been able to enjoy this wonderful drive .
14 He or she had taken trouble over the arrangement of the facts and in getting in as much relevant information as possible .
15 The counsellor can clearly play an important part in challenging ageist assumptions about health , and in promoting more positive but realistic states of mind .
16 They had faith , their faith was in themselves and in bailing out , and they could n't bail quick enough , and so their faith was not realizing anything it was n't producing the goods .
17 Well I was thinking of things like witchcraft , which would seem a rather a luxury fringe subject , but some of the most fascinating research that 's been done recently in my period of early modern history has been showing how witchcraft erm was the second most important erm crime to come before the courts apart from theft in , in my period , and in exploring why witchcraft had this appeal you 're learning much more about the age .
18 However , Inspector Morse 's behaviour in not locking his car and in drinking heavily before driving is utterly disgraceful .
19 There is little doubt that the consistent media focus was a critical factor in maintaining our supporters ' faith in the message and in shifting even more people against the project .
20 Whatever action is taken on the final report of the Buea project ( and I have fears that the heavy reliance on expatriate experts in the project and in drawing up the report may not contribute to its being widely read and followed in Cameroon ) there can be no question that the project marks an important landmark in curriculum planning in Africa .
21 The art , therefore , is in determining which staff need to be relocated and in drawing up a compensation package which will encourage most , if not all , of the key people to move .
22 Cohesiveness found expression in open discussion about needs and in drawing up a training plan : the boards had recognised a problem and done something to resolve it .
23 All are important elements of life in old age , and in maintaining both independence and freedom from ill-health , yet older people often avoid taking exercise because of the widespread ageist assumption that it is dangerous for them to be too active .
24 Many gregarious species obviously co-operate with others of their own kind , to the benefit of all : lionesses co-operate in hunting , and in bringing up the cubs ; meerkats stand guard over the colony .
25 This case study is also in three parts : a brief introduction to the school and the review procedure : a descriptive account of the review procedure and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the review procedure in validly determining what were the salient strengths and weaknesses in the work of the department and in bringing about changes .
26 Anomalies are important in evaluating rivals and in bringing about scientific change .
27 According to manager of finance sector marketing Bernard Uzzell , this is because it is ‘ not squeezing the business for maximum profits ’ , preferring instead to re-invest cash in developing the organisation and in expanding overseas .
28 In injuries and accidents , the injury remedies can be of great value , and even when surgery is indicated they can be helpful in shortening the post-operative period and in speeding up the recovery process .
29 That gambit illustrates Leavis 's magisterial grasp of polemical style , and it succeeds at once in looking bold and in insinuating craftily .
30 Acheson , at least , had practically made up his mind as soon as the French had promised to ratify the Elysee agreements ; and in setting out the arguments to the US Embassy in Bangkok no alternative to recognition was in fact suggested .
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