Example sentences of "and in [noun prp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No they 're just two standard stores , one 's twenty five thousand square feet in Yeovil which as you will be aware is a market town with a fairly wide catchment area and in Cardiff which where we 're opposite Marks and Spencers on an out-of-town development so they 're just two stores virtually picked because they were ready to open
2 ‘ People can see how across there Israeli politicians fight each other in parliament , and in Greece they bring to account a corrupt prime minister . ’
3 In Tsarist Russia , icons were often placed in railway-station waiting-rooms and in Greece there were shrines at stations where the traveller could light candles to protect him on his journey .
4 Oregano is derived from the Greek cros , mountain and ganos , joy , beauty , and in Greece it was woven into the crown worn by bridal couples on their wedding day .
5 and in Avon we 've got erm we 've got a large turn over of staff
6 Clatting the neeps and in Aberdeen they called them yowing And y We had your clatt as the yow they called it the hoe , the yow They cleared the Did that to the drill .
7 In England and Wales this is done by the coroner 's court , as indeed it is in some States in the USA and in Canada , and in Scotland it is the procurator fiscal who looks into the matter and will , if he considers it to be an appropriate case , raise the matter at a fatal accidents inquiry in the sheriff 's court .
8 In Northern Ireland protests about discrimination by local authorities led to the creation of a province wide Housing Executives and in Scotland there is an important nationwide public housing authority to supplement the work of the local authorities .
9 So we were going to make up a sport to see what he said , and in Spain they play a game called callots .
10 In the three Baltic republics and in Georgia it had been decided that to participate would be to acknowledge Soviet constitutional legitimacy , thereby forfeiting the key argument in their independence campaigns , namely that they had been illegally occupied and annexed to the Soviet Union .
11 ‘ It 's a derelict city and in Brightside it 's there for all to see .
12 Er in Europe we 've gone up six percent in circulation and in Japan we 're on target there and under budget .
13 Between 1955 and 1970 the capital stock in US manufacturing rose by 74 per cent ; in the major European countries the rise was 115 per cent , and in Japan it was some 500 per cent .
14 He supported himself by painting the portraits of the distinguished people he met on the way , and in Japan he went off alone to live among the aboriginal Ainu .
15 But faith has always played a big part in the game , and in France they have often made things happen simply by believing .
16 He served in the war of 1914–18 in the 52nd Nottinghamshire and Derby Regiment , and in France he was seconded to the Duke of Wellington 's ( West Riding ) Regiment as a signalman .
17 This process of Christianisation is well established , and in France there are extant examples of dolmens and menhirs being Christianised by a cross or being incorporated into church foundations .
18 The emphasis is on Europe and in July their bookings were more than doubled on the same month last year .
19 His doctor constantly suggested to him the benefits of sun and sea air ( not that he needed any encouragement to visit the sea , since it still evoked for him the happiest memories ) , and in July they travelled , with Eliot 's sister who had come from America , to the Isle of Wight for two weeks .
20 The Committee was informed in May that this was happening , and in July it was approved .
21 In June , the Humberside Section was honoured by a visit by Her Royal Highness , The Princess Royal , Honourary President of the Institute ; and in July she officially opened the new training wing of the Freight Transport Association with Tony Pomeroy and myself with our wives and Richard Botwood and Leslie Aldridge , in attendance .
22 Although Gaitskell at first stood his ground , it was obvious that , in the face of obstruction from the industry , he could not make a sensible price policy stick , and in July he announced the abandonment of the Clow surcharge .
23 Where the publications are a supply for acquisition , the recipient subscriber will account for VAT in its member state although such publications are zero-rated in the UK , in other member states they are taxed at a reduced rate , and in Denmark they are taxed at 25% !
24 I was just in Iraq and in Iraq I was manipulated heavily .
25 Things would have been pleasanter if the weather had been more summery , but you ca n't have everything and in England one gets accustomed to wet and windy summers .
26 A voice from the front of the column shouted , ‘ Piper , at Achnacarry and in England you wake us up with your bagpipes ; here in France we wake you up with a hot dinner at the last minute . ’
27 These will consist of a combined ex-NCC Scotland and Countryside Commission for Scotland in a new Scottish natural heritage agency ; a similar combination in Wales , although at present there is no separate country identity for the Welsh Countryside Commission — just ten people in a regional office in Newtown ; and in England there will still be separate agencies of the Countryside Commission and whatever replaces the NCC .
28 Hitler 's speech had its background in Germany 's strengthened position since the Munich settlement , in his determination to force the pace in foreign policy in 1939 , and — in its tone of heightened aggression towards the Jews — in the anger he felt at the increasingly strong anti-German feeling in the USA and in Britain which the Reichskristallnacht pogrom had greatly fuelled .
29 Consequently , although Franco 's offer of sending troops to fight in Korea , as part of a new " crusade " against communism , was not taken up , there were lobbies in the United States and in Britain which were in favour of re-establishing full relations with Spain .
30 The trade unions are by far the largest body representing people who will be affected by the introduction of new technologies , and in Britain they have played a prominent part in the debate about information technology .
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