Example sentences of "and the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And in Malaya the last of the Communist terrorist gangs were being driven to their destruction in the jungles of north Malaya and south Johore by British military pressure and the financially inspired defections of many of their leaders .
2 The Police have compiled a list of clubs , organisations and interested bodies and are about to launch a major initiative where such bodies will be visited and the over 60 's seen .
3 ( Frottole were performed in France. ) 26 They inherited the syllabic note-against-note style , dominated by the text and with a good many repeat notes , lightly relieved by melismas or imitation , and the clearly marked cadences .
4 Even when used , with effort to avoid evaluative overtones and as a purely descriptive device , psychiatric classification leaves much to be desired ; for example in its inability to distinguish clearly between different varieties of psychosis or draw sharp boundaries between the manifestly and the marginally insane , points we shall have cause to enlarge upon later .
5 The accents are entirely convincing and the authentically Southern atmosphere implies an ever-present threat from white oppressors lying in wait beyond the cosiness of the backyard palisade .
6 In fact , their campaign and the probably well-founded suspicion that the result had been rigged had the opposite effect .
7 Table 1.12 gives examples of kinds of task and the probably appropriate method of task analysis for each cell in Table 1.11 .
8 Add in Edith Cresson 's political affiliation , plus her deserved reputation for dirigisme , and the freshly coined sobriquet ‘ Edithatcher ’ seems to be nothing more than a phrase-monger 's fancy .
9 Others , which display the higher growth rates of the Pacific countries , the greater per capita incomes of their peoples , and the steadily increasing volumes of iron ore , oil and containerized trade crossing the Pacific , are powerful indicators of an undeniable trend .
10 He found their steady , rhythmic progress an aid to concentration and the oddly oblique views of the world they offered — weed-choked farmland at the feet of embankments , gnome-dotted gardens on the edges of towns — ran somehow parallel with his own .
11 The way to resolve this necessary dilemma is surely not to discredit spatial policy altogether but to contextualise it , to draw out the links between the locally specific and the internationally ubiquitous , as Patrick Bond describes in his description of the campaign for the community control of capital in Baltimore ( chapter 8 ) .
12 The threatened wetlands of south Wales and the internationally important heathlands of the east Devon commons , are all striking but valuable habitats , just awaiting the protection of the ‘ green tourist ’ .
13 The hotel is owned by Vingresor , the Swedish tour company who are part of Scandinavian Airlines , and the internationally high standards reflect it .
14 While physicians advised sparing use of the ointment , the quacks prescribed it liberally to great effect and had usually passed on to the next town before the inevitable relapses and the not infrequent deaths — results of over-treatment — had occurred .
15 Well I want to talk much more about what I think are the unconscious and the not deliberate sources of bias .
16 The remarkable quality of the New Hall collection , a voluntary assembly of donated works , and the likewise extraordinary disproportion of successful women artists in the final selection of the New Contemporaries this year seem to me to point to a crucial shift that is happening in symbolic utterance and representation : women 's bodies , women 's nature have long been ‘ good to think with ’ , their flesh has served artists as founts of meaning , allegorical and personal .
17 This memorandum , issued by the physician superintendent of Neasden Hospital , London , to all his medical officers over 25 years ago , attracted widespread opprobrium from the UK national press and the chronologically correct if sexist response from the British Medical Journal that ‘ every patient whatever his age or his disease should be resuscitated unless the doctor looking after him has no doubt at all that he should be allowed to rest in peace ’ .
18 Good examples are The Parables of Our Lord ( 1847 ) and The Miracles of Our Lord ( 1848 ) , both illustrated by Noel Humphreys , and the particularly fine Record of the Black Prince ( 1849 ) , with its 6mm-thick carved covers , pierced to show a regal red lining beneath .
19 Particularly noteworthy are the immensely popular New and Correct English Atlas ( editions from 1787 ) — the standard county atlas of the period — and the Traveller 's Companion ( from 1790 ) , both of which required replacement of the printing plates due to wear caused by excessive demand , and the particularly fine New English Atlas ( from 1801 ) and New Universal Atlas ( from 1808 ) .
20 And the already intolerable misery of the attackers was now exacerbated by the Germans ' increased use of mustard gas .
21 The animal , sensing a new danger , shook its horns furiously to free itself from the encumbrance , and the already unconscious senator was catapulted into the thorns , where he lay without moving .
22 Moreover , given the open-ended nature of this phrase and the already existing divergence of opinion among the national courts as to how those words are to be interpreted , this would seem to be a classic situation for the UK courts to give effect to Community law by interpretation of the national law so as to achieve congruence between the national and the Community norms .
23 In Pomerania the general impoverishment and the already poor Pomeranian soil meant that very few peasants could gather together enough money to buy their own farm equipment — a necessary prerequisite for purchase of their land from the estate — nor could they ever manage to garner a purchase price that was often the equivalent of over 25 years ' rent .
24 And the barely legible postmark removed the last shred of doubt about who had sent it .
25 Only by emphasizing the sanctity of domestic life and the ultimately spiritual nature of the marriage union would national morality be re-made in the image of the Maker .
26 By the time the British , the Americans , and the ultimately successful Rifs from North Africa had made their assaults , the monastery was almost completely destroyed for the third time in history .
27 Rival views of the revolution became an important part of the struggle over power and policy between the ‘ Left Opposition ’ identified with Trotsky , the ‘ Right Opposition ’ identified with Bukharin , and the ultimately victorious line identified with Stalin .
28 The new Kappa-float glazing on all the windows , and the exceptionally high quality of insulation , earned the lodges the coveted MEDALLION AWARD for energy saving efficiency .
29 In the House of Representatives , the NDPL gained 51 seats , the LAP eight , the LUP three and the UP two .
30 The actively hunting wolf and jumping spiders show little dimorphism and similar adult life styles , whereas the sedentary orb web-building spiders and the similarly sessile ( yet webless ) crab spiders have males that are much smaller and much more mobile than their respective females .
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