Example sentences of "and could [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The English will have larger cannon than these merchanters carry , and could sink them before they could get within range .
2 However , Mr Summerchild has persuaded me that taking part in a discussion of this nature might lie outside Mrs Padmore 's job description , and could involve us in difficulties with her union …
3 Nevertheless it appears from the judgment of Thorpe J. , and I do not doubt that he was right , that a dominant factor was W. 's desire to be in an environment where , as she thought , she was in control and could cure herself if and when she thought it right to do so .
4 At Bury , for instance , the abbey owned the whole site and could lay it out as it pleased .
5 In 1970 — if you were eighteen and could lay your hands on a little ready money — it was almost de rigueur to travel overland to Greece where , in an idyllic island setting , you could hang out in the coolest way imaginable with amiable drug-dealers and liberated chicks .
6 A session lasts about an hour and could cost anything from £15 to £30 depending on where you are in the country .
7 They say the report has already damaged morale and could ruin their careers .
8 He thus witnessed the birth of Saudi Arabia and could observe its growth and development at a crucial period in its history .
9 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
10 But if we were gods , and immortal , and could sit ourselves comfortably to watch the years slide by , with a magnetic compass conveniently to hand next to the ambrosia and nectar , we 'd see something extraordinarily interesting .
11 Workouts featured by stars like Hollywood tough guy Dolph Lundgren and TVam 's Lizzie Webb may not help fight the flab and could land you in bed for weeks , says BBC TV 's Watchdog .
12 He hoped greatly to be able to go to Oxford in the autumn ; there should be enough money from a sale to support his mother , his brother and himself till he obtained a degree and could earn his living .
13 The career support scheme , which would be voluntary , would put people seeking advice in touch with others who had already experienced their particular problem and could give them the benefit of their knowledge .
14 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
15 This stage resembles planning your essay outline , and could give you your necessary paragraph headings ( particularly since an exam essay gives room for only a few paragraphs ) .
16 It was only after some years that he found the Thun-Hohensteins , who had also taken refuge in Bavaria , and could give it back to them .
17 Mr Gargery asks me to tell you he will be in London soon , and could visit you at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning , at Mr Herbert Pocket 's rooms , if that is all right with you .
18 The upshot , however , was that the British could buy the latest mark of Polaris missile without warheads , which they would provide themselves , and could fit them into five British-built nuclear submarine hulls .
19 It is worth repeating that it stripped for ever from folklore the idea that British Rail was wholly independent and could do what it liked , that the Government had no connection with it and were not concerned in the day-to-day running of its affairs , and that there was a chasm between British Rail and the Government .
20 As with most good tumbles , you could see this one coming a mile off — and could do nothing to prevent the inevitable .
21 To have to lie there in his coffin on Ingham 's counter and hear somebody like Tommy Drennan murder a good song like ‘ Slievenamon ’ and himself lying there and could do nothing about it !
22 She knew she was hysterical yet could do nothing to calm herself , could hear her own voice rising higher and higher , going on and on , and could do nothing to make it stop .
23 Then the receiver would know that this was a trustworthy messenger and could treat you accordingly .
24 The horse was quite impressive when winning at Haydock and could record his fourth consecutive victory of the season , during which he has been unbeaten .
25 For answer , she put her right hand on her heart and could feel nothing .
26 ‘ I 'd like to speak to Matt — to Mr Prescott , ’ she said , and could feel her voice trembling .
27 ‘ I knew there were only seconds to go and could feel my strength failing with each moment , and a drifting kind of sleep coming on me which whispered , ‘ Give up , Minch , give up … ’ and it was only the knowledge that I was of Callanish , the greatest of the sites , that kept me fighting those few more seconds .
28 We have a vague description , but if you saw her close up and could tell us , it would help the police .
29 The nurse may be able to supply you with pants and pads , and could tell you if there is a laundry service or a collection service for disposable pads in your area .
30 Betty in the bathroom could hear every word and could bear it no longer .
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