Example sentences of "and take its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A monstrous box of pastel neon with two huge fountains playing outside the entrance , BCM cost some £5 million to build and takes its name from the owner 's initials — if the club failed , he said , he 'd be buried and it could be his mausoleum .
2 The acquisition of Martindale-Hubbell has cost the British publisher $303million ( £194million ) and takes its spending on magazines and directories this year to £847million .
3 Linguistics is the study of language in general , and takes its subject matter from a wide variety of languages .
4 It seems to me therefore that the free-thinker and the non-Christian can accept , without offence to his convictions , the fact that Christian morals are the basis of the criminal law and that he can recognize , also without taking offence , that without the support of the Churches the moral order , which has its origin in and takes its strength from , Christian beliefs , would collapse .
5 The unit plugs into the parallel printer port of a PC and takes its supply from the computer .
6 The meagre vegetation that remained could not prevent such water as there was from sinking into the aquifers beneath , and taking its load of salt with it .
7 This was built in 1582 by the Teatini Fathers and took its name from a former church attached to a monastery of the Brothers of St Anthony , a curious horse-riding fraternity who ‘ kept alight the fires of St Anthony ’ .
8 It started life in Liverpool in 1971 and took its name from a television drama-documentary on the declining port 's dockers , who were constantly being ‘ sold out ’ by the local trade-union branches .
9 Hauling itself to the top of the bank the Luggage — streaked with soot , stained with water and very , very angry — shook itself and took its bearings .
10 The rider for the evening ( the biggest ever we can faithfully report ) disappeared in minutes and took its toll on certain partygoers .
11 Ayrshire bacon established a wide reputation for its excellence and took its place amongst the most popular bacons of Britain .
12 Shore significantly developed a style of playing by which the trumpet escaped from the restrictions of a purely military style and took its place in England as an orchestral instrument , so giving valuable stimulus to Henry Purcell [ q.v. ] and making it possible for English trumpeters to meet the requirements of the music of G. F. Handel [ q.v . ] .
13 Nigerian nationalism in the first instance was a reaction to British imperialism and took its form from the nature of British rule , as mediated by different social strata .
14 Theology in all its guises should step down from its exalted position and take its place alongside all other human activities and contribute to an autonomous religion only what is relevant , and that with no more authority than is accorded any other sphere of human endeavour .
15 If the study of genetic aspects of colorectal cancer continues at its present pace , molecular biology may soon outgrow its immediate role as a research tool and take its place on the clinical stage .
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